Scottish Daily Mail

My diet advice? Become vegan to fight flab


I DESPAIR at the tripe so many so-called experts come out with, the latest being that cutting back on butter, cream and cheese is fuelling obesity. Though vegetarian­s who consume dairy tend to be healthier than omnivores, they can still have weight problems. Vegans, those who cut out all animal products and by-products, don’t put on excess weight, let alone risk any danger of becoming obese. There’s a clue here. i became vegetarian for ethical reasons, but when i found out about the cruelty in the dairy and egg industries, i realised i had to take the next logical step and become vegan. Although i was never fat, i had to watch what i ate or i would put on weight. When i becamez vegan, i noticed that my health improved, i felt and was fitter and also i lost weight and became slim and have remained slim ever since, even though i eat generous-size main meals, as well as lots of ‘treats’, including biscuits, chocolate, ice cream, as they are all animal-free/dairy-free. People seem willing to try all sorts of diets, no matter how daft they sound, but many aren’t prepared to give veganism a try. however, it’s only when one becomes vegan that one discovers just how delicious vegan food can be.

SANDRA BUSELL, Edinburgh. how do you know someone’s a vegetarian? Oh, don’t worry, they’ll soon tell you... That old joke sums up my issue with vegetarian­ism – vegetarian­s themselves! it seems to dominate their lives and they feel obliged to evangelise. i’ve no issue with people wanting to drop meat from their diet for health, ethical or religious reasons. But please, just keep it to yourself.

KAREN IRONSIDE, Glasgow. The debate about what to eat rages back and forth – meat is good this week, bad the next. Now it is fat’s turn to be a must-have. isn’t the issue exercise? Our forefather­s were much more active and less troubled by what they ate. Were we to ditch the car and try some brisk physical activity daily, we might be much healthier regardless of what’s on our plates. i bet we’d be happier too!

R. McCOLL, Aberdeen. The row about eating more fat puts me in mind of the old joke: eat, drink and be merry – for tomorrow we diet.

K. HENRY, Dunlop, Ayrshire.

 ??  ?? Food for thought: Could cutting out meat fight obesity?
Food for thought: Could cutting out meat fight obesity?

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