Scottish Daily Mail

The night Meryl put on a show to Trump them all

- From Daniel Bates and Tom Leonard in New York

THE fake orange tan was surprising­ly lifelike – though perhaps the blond wig was not quite bouffant enough.

but the effect was unmistakab­le as Meryl streep brought the house down with her hilarious take on Donald trump.

the Oscar-winning actress, known for the authentici­ty she brings to her roles, donned plenty of padding, a dark suit and a bright red tie for her impersonat­ion of the controvers­ial billionair­e republican presidenti­al candidate.

Miss streep, 66, who has played political figures including Margaret thatcher and emmeline Pankhurst on film, was appearing at the annual shakespear­e in the Park gala in New York on Monday night. the actress, a strong supporter of trump’s likely presidenti­al election opponent Hillary Clinton, was cheered and applauded as she performed brush Up Your shakespear­e from Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical loosely based on the taming Of the shrew.

the number is normally sung by gangsters advising that a man should quote the bard as a way of winning over women.

the lyrics include: ‘Just declaim a few lines from Othella, And they’ll think you’re a hell of a fella’. During her rendition, the audience laughed as Miss streep sang: ‘You’ll let me know, why all the women say No.’

Mrs Clinton, who says she wants Miss streep to play her in any film of her life, was yesterday declared certain to win the Democrat presidenti­al nomination, making Us history as the first woman candidate for either of the two main parties.

Although the presidenti­al primaries are still running – six states, including the key battlegrou­nds of California and New Jersey, were voting last night – it has been calculated that Mrs Clinton already has enough support to beat left-wing rival bernie sanders.

 ??  ?? The lady is a Trump: Meryl Streep at the New York gala
The lady is a Trump: Meryl Streep at the New York gala
 ??  ?? Lookalike: Miss Streep in wig
Lookalike: Miss Streep in wig
 ??  ?? The real thing: Donald Trump
The real thing: Donald Trump

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