Scottish Daily Mail



As the weekend approaches, Neptune appears stationary. soon it will turn retrograde, but what does this term mean and what effect will it have? From earth’s position, retrograde planets appear to move backwards from the direction they have been travelling. this can last from a few weeks, for Mercury, to months for the outer planets. It’s a sign that the planet’s influence is changing. Old issues will resurface and we have a chance to put into practice lessons we have learned.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 HOW do we reconcile what we want with what we can’t have? Often, we want something just because we can’t have it! And the people who have what we want seem to take their good fortune for granted. The question is, would you really be more appreciati­ve? We covet possession­s in an effort to fulfil a deeper need. Sometimes it’s easier to solve our internal questions with external solutions. With a little soul-searching you can find a way to soul satisfacti­on. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. In your latest, in-depth fourminute forecast, discover inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21—May 21 WE value feeling secure, knowing that our needs are being met, and yet we are attracted to independen­ce of spirit and unpredicta­bility. Life is a balance between these two seemingly irreconcil­able forces. This weekend, your ‘wild’ side makes an appearance. It’s a chance for you to do something different, change your routine and allow yourself the space to be creative. Give your hidden talents a chance to play; you might surprise yourself and discover

a gift that will add to your sense of stability. Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions! In your latest, forecast, discover something helpful. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22—June 22 ‘WHAT’s simple? What’s obvious? What’s beyond question? These are not trick questions. I am not suggesting that you focus on your certaintie­s with a view to doubting them! I’m encouragin­g you to stick with a clear point of reference and to make it the foundation for your pursuits.’ This is Jonathan’s interpreta­tion for the influences affecting Gemini today. ‘There may be distractio­ns but don’t let them absorb your precious time and concentrat­ion. Stick with what matters. Auspicious alignments insist good times are on the way.’ Discover even more in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER Sep 24—Oct 23 HOW do you feel at the end of the day? If you’re like me, it’s pretty tired! And emotionall­y? Snuggling under the duvet exhausted is one thing, but when your head hits the pillow and your mind is whirring with worry, it’s another matter. Life is so unpredicta­ble. No matter how hard we try, we’re unable to control our world. It keeps spinning around. Though you’re feeling like the pilot of a plane in a turbulent patch, there’s an able co-pilot ready.

Take a back seat and relax. Knowledge is power. Discover how to take advantage of your astrologic­al assets in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 JONATHAN’S words apply to you today: ‘Somebody wise once said that if God didn’t exist, we would have to invent him. Or her. Or it. If that is true, then perhaps the great philosophi­cal question is not, “Does God exist?” But, “Why does God exist?” Is it because of something that God has done or we have done? You thought you had come here to have your fortune told and instead you have entered a debate. But here is something over which there need be no debate today: the nature of your fortune... it is good.’ If you want good news, discover it in your latest, in-depth fourminute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 WHEN you answer a call, you bend to the will of an outside influence. This is as true for the telephone as it is for the divine. But how can you be sure it’s a genuine plea and not a cold caller with a deal you don’t want to make? Your natural inclinatio­n is to put other people’s needs before yours and you often forget that YOU need to benefit from the service you give. There comes a moment when it’s necessary to hang up. Recharge your batteries this weekend. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! Discover the good news in your latest, in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24—Oct 23 THEY say the longest journey starts with a single step, although, these days it’s likely to start with a click of a mouse! Thanks to the internet, we rarely travel into a complete unknown. There are so many review sites that we have a sense of what we’ll encounter before we set off. But some things just can’t be experience­d in advance. The smell of the flora. The taste of the fauna. Don’t let preconcept­ions stop you adventurin­g. There’s more to be discovered than you think! Curious to know more? Discover heartwarmi­ng news in your latest, in-depth fourminute forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24—Nov 22 ‘THE world appears to applaud idiots and ignore experts. It rewards ruthlessne­ss and squashes sensitivit­y. It celebrates the obvious and scorns the subtle. People do wonderful things, yet contributi­ons go unnoticed. Others find themselves in the right place at the right time and for this, they are treated as deities!’ Jonathan’s observatio­ns are apt for Scorpio today. ‘You are now doing something truly worthwhile. This may or may not gain you appreciati­on, but it is the right thing to do.’ Don’t fear the future. Embrace it... even change it if you wish. Discover how when you call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 PHILOSOPHY is meaningles­s unless it leads to action. Our impact on the world isn’t defined by how we think or feel but by what we do. It’s all very well trusting that we’ll be looked after, but if we never take a risk how can we ever prove this? And is it really noble to feel pain for humanity’s suffering if we never try to help? Your gifts and kindness are legendary and sharing them helps the world become a more benevolent place. Someone needs your assistance. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Discover what in your latest, inspiring, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22—Jan 20 ‘WILL there ever come a time when you wake up and say, “I have nothing to worry about, nobody is annoying me and every situation is perfect?” There may, but it won’t be because you’re in a different world. It will come because you will have mastered the art of throwing a mental switch. If you don’t want to be annoyed, don’t let yourself be annoyed. Don’t want to worry? Don’t let yourself worry. You really do have that much power now.’ Heed these wise words from Jonathan. Success is a matter of attitude. And timing. There’s help with both in your inspiring, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21—Feb 19 ‘HERE we are, happy as can be’. The old song goes, ‘all good friends and jolly good company.’ We are social creatures. We thrive when we have people in our lives… all sorts, not just like-minded folk. The ‘not-so-like-minded’ are valuable too. They remind us that we don’t have a monopoly on being right. Now, I know that if anyone is right it’s you! And although the questionin­g of your ideas may be hard to understand, it’s rarely designed to be hurtful. Make room for difference this weekend. Life is for living. Live yours to the full. There’s helpful advice in your fourminute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20—Mar 20 LETTING go doesn’t lead to endless falling. Thanks to gravity, on planet Earth, it leads to landing. Even waves, always rising and falling, are destined to crash on a shore somewhere. Luckily, unlike waves, you have some control of the direction you travel, and can steer yourself between rocky outcrops towards a cove. Something has been weighing you down and you’re ready to let go. Be aware of the current, and you’ll give yourself the best chance of swimming to a warm, sandy safe beach. Get more out of your week. In your latest, indepth four-minute forecast, discover encouragin­g news. Call 0906 751 5612.

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