Scottish Daily Mail

Don’t be so swift to shame talented Taylor


I WAS disgusted by the descriptio­n of pop star Taylor Swift ending her relationsh­ip with her boyfriend Calvin Harris as ‘Another split for Taylor . . . and it’s only a matter of time before the break-up song’ (Mail). We’re told how Taylor writes about her experience­s of love and heartbreak and how Calvin must be shaking in his boots because now there’ll be a song written about him. This is just an ongoing joke. Taylor herself has said it’s ‘old and stems from a very sexist place’. Why try to shame a 26-year-old woman for having a relationsh­ip? And why concentrat­e on her love life without saying anything about Calvin’s? Taylor is very successful because of her songwritin­g skills, not because of her boyfriends or love life. To say otherwise is to detract from a woman’s success and give all the credit to a man. To talk of ‘Taylor’s growing list of ex-boyfriends’ is absurd. The eight men listed are her entire love life. She’s a young woman who has the freedom and the right to date men and have relationsh­ips. Who doesn’t when they’re that age? To call her a ‘serial dater’ — implying, as others have, that she’s some kind of ‘slut’, is repulsive. And failing to comment on Calvin’s relationsh­ips encourages the idea that it’s shameful for a woman to date, yet not for a man. Taylor has said she’s a ‘lightning rod for slut shaming’. From the age of 16, when she got into the music industry, she has been under a microscope and has been picked at by the media, which inspired her song Blank Space. I attended a session with Taylor about her songs, at which she said: ‘The media decided to paint me as this serial dater and it was wrong for me to do that, but not for my boyfriends.’ Because of this, she wrote a song as the ‘character’ the media portray her as. I understand why such things get reported, but a successful young woman shouldn’t be publicly shamed for being just that.

BETH MAIDMENT, 14, Winsford, Cheshire.

 ??  ?? A case of double standards: Beth Maidment (above) says speculatio­n over Taylor Swift’s split from DJ Calvin Harris (both left) detracts from the star’s success as a songwriter
A case of double standards: Beth Maidment (above) says speculatio­n over Taylor Swift’s split from DJ Calvin Harris (both left) detracts from the star’s success as a songwriter

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