Scottish Daily Mail

The simple 12-minute body blitz to boost your weight loss


HigH-intEnsitY workouts will transform your shape in minimal time by decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass.

Zana Morris developed these moves to help you get in shape faster. simply complete them every day — and aim to rest for a maximum of ten seconds between each move. these exercises can be done in your own home — all you need for them is a resistance band and hand weights. Lunges With feet apart, hands on hips, take a big step forward with left leg and lower right knee to the floor, and then back up. Alternate other side, repeat for 60 seconds. Super-squats Stand, feet apart. Squat down low. Keeping tummy tight, push up back to stand. Repeat for 60 seconds. Calf raises Stand on a sturdy book or low step with heels overhangin­g and holding hand weights. Using a wall for balance, rise up on tiptoes and back down. Do as many as you can for 20 seconds, rest and repeat.

Crunches Lie with hands behind head and knees bent. Slowly lift chest off floor and back down. Start with ten, building up to 20 when you can. Seated rows Sit with legs straight. Loop band around feet. Stretch arms out holding band, palms inward, and pull back to near lower ribcage. Return to starting position and repeat for 30 seconds. Lateral raise Standing, place one end of band under right foot, the other in left hand. Raise band across body to slightly above shoulder, palm down. Repeat for 30 seconds. Swap sides. Bicep curls Stand on middle of band with feet shoulder-width apart, then pull band upwards, bending at the elbow. Repeat for 30 seconds. Vertical leg raises Lie on back, knees slightly bent. Lift hips, straighten legs and push feet up so soles face the ceiling. Lower. Repeat ten times, building up to 20. Press-ups Do as many as you can in 30 seconds, on feet or knees. Then, in same position, bring hands together under your chest, thumbs touching, and lower yourself down and up with elbows close to body. Repeat for 30 seconds.

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