Scottish Daily Mail


Support for EU plummets after Brexit scaremonge­ring Tories in revolt as Osborne threatens tax rises if UK leaves

- By Gareth Rose Scottish Political Reporter

SCOTTISH support for the EU has plummeted in a stunning rejection of ‘Project Fear’ scaremonge­ring, a new poll shows. With the referendum campaign on a knife-edge and Scots votes expected to be crucial, the fall in support for the remain cause north of the Border increases the chances of Britain choosing to quit the European Union.

Last night there was more bad news for George Osborne as he faced a revolt by dozens of his own MPs, led by Michael Gove, after he threatened the public with tax rises if they vote for Brexit.

On a day of extraordin­ary drama, Mr Gove joined 65 Tory MPs in warning he would not vote for a Doomsday package of tax rises and spending cuts, which the Chancellor claimed would be needed if Britain leaves the EU. Elsewhere on the campaign trail:

A pro-Leave flotilla of furious Scottish fishermen on the Thames saw Ukip leader Nigel Farage clash with pro-EU campaigner Bob Geldof.

David Cameron warned that Brexit would hit the Scottish economy, jobs and livelihood­s.

Former SNP deputy leader Jim Sillars

accused Nicola Sturgeon of trying to scare Scots into voting Remain.

The First Minister had claimed Brexit would leave Scots at the mercy of the ‘most Right-wing Tory Government in modern history’.

But her former ally Mr Sillars insisted there was ‘no downside’ to leaving the EU. He said: ‘I deeply regret that Nicola seems to have resorted to the tactic she previously deplored and in doing so has fallen from her own high standard.

‘In her statement, she has deployed the whiplash of fear to drive people to vote for Remain by implying a Brexit will bring a reformed Tory government into power which would destroy workers’ rights.’

Yesterday’s Ipsos MORI poll, for STV, showed support for Remain slumped from 66 per cent in April to 53 per cent this month, while those backing Brexit rose slightly from 29 per cent to 32. Among those certain to vote, support for Remain is stronger, at 58 per cent, comFirst pared to 33 per cent for Leave. The split in the Tory Party is becoming increasing­ly bitter. After Mr Osborne threatened to hike taxes after a Brexit vote, one ex-Cabinet minister accused him of behaving ‘more irresponsi­bly’ than any Chancellor in history, while other Tories warned that his position was verging on ‘untenable’.

Speaking on LBC radio, Nationalis­t MP Alex Salmond said in the event of Brexit, both the Prime Minister and his Chancellor would be ‘gone the next day’. He predicted Mr Cameron would limp on after a Remain vote, but added: ‘Osborne has poisoned the well with his scary, scary budget.’

The poll is certain to heighten tensions ahead of two major rallies in Scotland today.

Former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg will join Scottish Labour chief Kezia Dugdale, Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie and Nationalis­t MP Stephen Gethins in Edinburgh, while Labour MP Gisela Stuart will address Brexit supporters in Glasgow.

The Remain camp is convinced that concentrat­ing on the economic impact of leaving the EU will be enough to win next week. But the STV poll suggests many are committed to voting Leave regardless of the economic consequenc­es.

Ipsos MORI found 22 per cent believed the economy would be stronger outside the EU while only 13 per cent expected their own standard of living to rise. Tory MSP Ross Thomson said: ‘If we leave, we would have more powers for our parliament, so MSPs can control Scottish fishing and agricultur­e. This contrasts sharply with the panicked negativity from Remain.’ But Deputy Minister John Swinney said: ‘Leaving the EU does not mean extra powers would be transferre­d [to Holyrood], the powers would go straight back from Brussels to Westminste­r, who would have absolutely no obligation to devolve anything.

‘The only people who would be empowered by a Leave vote would be the extreme wing of the Tory Party – people who most certainly don’t have Scotland’s best interests at heart.’

He added that ‘hollow offers’ of more powers were ‘nothing more than a Tory con-trick’.

Tom Harris, director of Scottish Vote Leave said: ‘Constituti­onal experts have agreed, if we leave the EU the Scottish parliament would gain vast new powers.’

Miss Sturgeon has claimed demand for a second Scottish independen­ce referendum would be ‘probably unstoppabl­e’ if the UK votes to quit the EU. But the Ipsos MORI poll found only 47 per cent support this view, with 45 per cent against another referendum and the rest undecided.

Mr Clegg will today tell the Edinburgh rally: ‘This is shaping up to be a knife-edge result and Scotland can make the difference.’

In Glasgow, Miss Stuart will say: ‘The SNP should spend less time teaming up with David Cameron to scare Scots voters and more time working out what they plan to do with the new powers they will receive when we leave the EU.’

Comment – Page 18

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