Scottish Daily Mail


7 ex-Cabinet ministers join open revolt over threat to raise taxes after Brexit

- By James Slack and Jason Groves

MORE than 60 Tory MPs were in unpreceden­ted open revolt against George Osborne last night after he threatened to increase taxes if the public votes for Brexit.

Ex-Cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith accused him of behaving ‘more irresponsi­bly’ than any Chancellor in history and scores of Tories warned that his position was verging on ‘untenable’.

Some senior ex-ministers said his career was over regardless of the result of the referendum because he had fatally damaged his ‘credibilit­y’ and standing within the Tory Party.

Last night, Michael Gove joined the revolt, telling a special edition of the BBC’s Question Time programme that he would not vote for Mr Osborne’s ‘Brexit Budget’.

The roll-call of dissenting Tories included at least 12 former ministers or shadow ministers, seven of whom served in the Cabinet, such as Liam Fox, Cheryl Gillan, Owen Paterson and David Jones.

It came after Mr Osborne yesterday made the ‘absurd’ claim that a Brexit vote would require him to introduce an emergency budget within weeks.

He said the £30billion shock an Out vote would deliver to the economy would require £15billion of cuts to the NHS, defence and other priorities and £15billion in tax rises.

Mr Osborne added that this would include a 2p rise in the basic rate of income tax to 22 per cent, a 3p rise in the higher rate to 43 per cent, and a 5p rise in inheritanc­e tax rates to 45p.

But his threats instantly crumbled when 57 Tory MPs released a letter saying there were no circumstan­ces in which they would support the Budget. Jeremy Corbyn also made it clear Labour would not vote for any cuts. The Government has an effective majority of only 17.

MPs who support the Remain campaign were also angry with his scaremonge­ring tactics. It is understood he did not consult many of the proEU members of the Cabinet before exploding budget bombshell.

The letter – which had been signed by 65 Brexit Tory MPs by the end of yesterday – was savage in its dismissal of the Chancellor.

Compiled in barely an hour, it said: ‘It is absurd to say that if people vote to take back control from the EU that he would want to punish them in this way. We do not believe that he would find it possible to get support in Parliament for these proposals to cut the NHS, our police forces and our schools.

‘If the Chancellor is serious then we cannot possibly allow this to go ahead. It would be unnecessar­y, wrong and a rejection of the platform on which we all stood. If he were to proceed with these proposals, the Chancellor’s position would become untenable.’ MPs lined up to savage Mr Osborne in a sustained attack that left his authority draining away.

Ex-work and pensions secretary Mr Duncan Smith told LBC: ‘Of all the things the Remain camp has done, this one probably is the most bizarre and the most ridiculous. It’s showing behaviour from a chancellor which is more irresponsi­ble than any chancellor I’ve seen at any time.’

One senior ex-minister told the Mail: ‘I find it difficult to see win or lose how the Chancellor can stay in government. The party will come for him.’ A serving minister said: ‘It looks impossible for George now. Even if remain squeeze home, the price for Cameron staying on will be to get rid of the Chancellor.’

Mr Osborne’s former Treasury deputy Andrea Leadsom, another pro-Brexit MP, also condemned the his interventi­on, saying she was ‘shocked, dismayed and saddened’ by his attempt to scare voters into backing Brussels.

Ex-environmen­t secretary Mr Paterson said: ‘If the Chancellor thinks he could pass such a punishment budget through the House of Commons he is utterly delusional.’

Ex-Labour chancellor Alistair Darling – whose economic forecasts were ridiculed by Mr Osborne – shared a platform with his successor the to unveil the emergency budget. But Labour leader Mr Corbyn said: ‘We would oppose any post-Brexit austerity Budget, just as we have opposed any austerity Budget put forward by this government,’ he told David Cameron at Prime Minister’s Questions.

Mr Osborne dodged questions over whether he expected to still be in place as Chancellor to write a Budget if he and the Prime Minister were defeated in next week’s vote.

He said an emergency Budget would be required ‘within the next couple of months’ after a Brexit vote in order to show the world that the UK had ‘a credible plan’ to deal with the deteriorat­ion in its public finances which would follow.

His words were echoed by Mr Cameron, who told MPs at Prime Minister’s Questions: ‘Nobody wants to have an emergency Budget, nobody wants to have cuts in public services, nobody wants to have tax increases.

‘But I would say this: there is only one thing worse than not addressing a crisis in your public finances through a Budget, and that is ignoring it.

‘Because if you ignore a crisis in your public finances, you see your economy go into a tailspin, you see confidence in your country reduced. We can avoid all of this by voting Remain next week.’

Challenged over Leave campaign claims that this would involve the Conservati­ves breaching a number of promises from the 2015 manifesto, a senior Downing Street source said: ‘We have made very clear what our manifesto pledges are. We want to deliver those and if we vote to remain, we will deliver those, because the economy will continue to grow.

‘If we vote to leave, by 2020 when new manifesto pledges would be drawn up, there’s clearly a risk.’

Mr Cameron last night denied claims by his former adviser Steve Hilton, who said he would be backing Brexit if he were not Prime Minister. He also insisted on Channel 4 News that he remained optimistic about next week’s vote.

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