Scottish Daily Mail

If you can’t control a dog, don’t own one!


WHY don’t all dog owners take responsibi­lity for their pets by training them and keeping them on a lead when out in public? I was savaged by the family dog as a child, and though the physical scars faded, it took all my willpower and mental strength not to let this traumatic experience stop me from leading a normal life. One of my great passions is walking, but the problem is that wherever I go there are dogs, and not all are controlled by their owners. Some people have no thought that other people might not love their beloved pet. I am terrified and suffer flashbacks when big dogs who are off the lead come running up to me at speed. Recently, I was walking along a public right of way through a farmer’s field near where I live when, all of a sudden, a boxer dog came rushing towards me. My heart was in my mouth, and the woman owner started pathetical­ly calling after the dog, but it didn’t take a blind bit of notice. The dog, which seemed overwhelme­d by excitement, jumped up at me and there was drool everywhere as it tried to get to my face. I had to physically restrain its front legs, but it was so powerful and strong I had a job holding it. Finally, its owner arrived — after walking, not running, so she was obviously not bothered about my situation. She apologised, but then tried to put the blame on me. I yelled at her that if she can’t control her dog it should be on a lead so it won’t harass anyone. Then she had the audacity to tell me that if I saw them again and the dog started running towards me, I should just carry on walking and then it wouldn’t touch me. What kind of an apology is that? She seemed to think her dog had more rights than me and should be allowed to accost me and behave in an unpleasant manner. I was left crying with the aftereffec­ts of shock and anger as the woman and her dog walked away. How could anyone be so thoughtles­s? Mrs JOYCE BOTTLE,

Aylesford, Kent.

 ??  ?? Savaged as a child: Joyce Bottle suffers flashbacks
Savaged as a child: Joyce Bottle suffers flashbacks

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