Scottish Daily Mail

and FOUND!


BACK in april, sue Powell told us her story: ‘In 1964, when my husband keith and I married, we moved into a flat in Maidstone, kent.

‘The apartment above was occupied by three young men — John stanley, david Harris and Vince ready. We all became very good friends and have kept in touch over the decades . . . except for Vince.

‘He has been very elusive, although we’ve caught up with him from time to time. He admits he has “itchy feet”.

‘We last saw him in Bristol in 1972, which is where my photo was taken. Vince is wearing dark glasses, standing with keith and our two children. He was living there then, and we were in Billericay, Essex.

‘We were in touch for a while, then he went off the radar until 1985, when we located him in Perth, australia. He wrote to say he was having a house built and that his parents were moving from the Uk to join him there.

‘Then all went quiet again. In 1998 keith and I were going to Perth for a family wedding so wrote to Vince. My letter was returned marked “never lived at this address”. a mystery. Where in the world is Vince now? We hope you might find the answer for us.’

our column has indeed helped pin down the elusive Vince ready. ready for this?

He has been in south-west France for the past ten years.

‘I’m glad to say he is pleased to be “found”,’ says sue. ‘We have only exchanged emails so far but hope to meet up at some stage. Many thanks!’

IF there is someone you would like to trace, write to Gill Whitley, 1 Newbrook house, New hall Lane, Preston, Pr1 5Pe, enclosing an SAe, or send an email to monica.porter@dailymail. — including a contact phone number. All communicat­ions will be answered as soon as possible. this column is researched with the aid of Peopletrac­er (www.peopletrac­ A small donation will be requested for employing Gill Whitley’s services.

 ??  ?? Elusive: Vince Ready (in sunglasses) in 1972
Elusive: Vince Ready (in sunglasses) in 1972

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