Scottish Daily Mail

Good breakfast, Mr Clarke? Microphone captures Ken’s acid verdicts on Tory hopefuls

ON GOVE ... I think with Michael as PM we’d go to war with at least three countries at once — he did us all a favour getting rid of Boris ON MAY ... Theresa is a bloody difficult woman but you [Rifkind] and I worked with Margaret Thatcher ON LEADSOM ... I

- By James Slack Political Editor

HE has been giving his candid comments on the Tory Party and world affairs for many of his 46 years in Parliament.

And yesterday, a ruddy-faced and slightly unkempt Ken Clarke was doing what he does best – even if he didn’t realise he was being recorded.

His views lightened the mood on the first day of the Tory leadership election, which he decried as ‘an utter fiasco’.

Theresa May was a ‘bloody difficult woman’, Michael Gove would start wars with ‘at least three countries at once’ if he became PM and Andrea Leadsom, he suggested, does not really believe in leaving the EU.

The ex-Chancellor’s comments, which he did not expect to be broadcast, were caught on film and an open microphone by Sky News.

The tape from the morning emerged just as MPs were voting in the Tory leadership contest.

Looking crumpled alongside former Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, Mr Clarke offered his highly entertaini­ng views on the candidates to replace David Cameron.

Casting doubt on Michael Gove’s diplomatic skills, he recalled the times he spent round the Cabinet table with the Justice Secretary.

He said: ‘I don’t think the membership will vote for Gove. I remember being in a discussion about something to do with somewhere like Syria or Iraq and he was so wild that I remember exchanging looks with Liam Fox.

‘We were exchanging views and Liam was raising eyebrows. I think with Michael as Prime Minister we’d go to war with at least three countries at once.’

However, Mr Clarke did concede that Mr Gove had got something right – killing off the leadership ambitions of Boris Johnson.

‘He did us all a favour by getting rid of Boris. The idea of Boris as Prime Minister is ridiculous,’ he said. Mrs Leadsom, who was proBrexit, was accused of not really wanting to leave the EU and saying some ‘extremely stupid things’.

Mr Clarke said: ‘I don’t think either Andrea Leadsom or Boris Johnson actually are in favour of leaving the European Union.’ Sir Malcolm interjecte­d: ‘Well I don’t think they even cared very much either way.’

Mr Clarke said: ‘She is not one of the tiny band of lunatics who think we can have a sort of glorious economic future outside the single market. So long as she understand­s that she’s not to deliver on some of the extremely stupid things she’s been saying.’

Home Secretary Mrs May – who had her run-ins with Mr Clarke when he was Justice Secretary – came out best, earning what appeared to be grudging respect. He said: ‘Theresa is a bloody difficult woman but you and I worked with Margaret Thatcher. I get on all right with her... and she is good.

‘She’s been at the Home Office far too long, so I only know in detail what her views are on the Home Office. She doesn’t know much about foreign affairs.’

The comment about Mrs May being a ‘bloody difficult woman’ was leapt upon by female MPs.

Labour’s Liz Kendall tweeted: ‘For “difficult woman” read knows her own mind, un-clubby no pushover.’

Tory minister Anna Soubry added: ‘Let’s celebrate “difficult women”.’ Mr Rifkind, the former MP for Kensington, was heard saying he would like anyone except Mr Gove to win the contest.

Asked about the comments Sir Malcolm said: ‘I made some words to that effect. I’m not sure I can embellish it. What I said speaks for itself and it’s probably shared by a far greater proportion of mankind.

‘It’s good entertaini­ng stuff. People may say it’s a bit naughty of them [Sky News] but I think under the circumstan­ces it is the world we live in – I make no complaint at all.’

Mr Clarke’s office said he did not wish to comment on the filming.

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