Scottish Daily Mail

Your right to justice mustn’t fade with time

- By Dan Hyde

PETER and Sandra Whiston thought they were doing the right thing in 2006 when they paid a profession­al almost £8,000 to help boost their retirement income.

By going with Britain’s biggest financial advice firm, the retired teachers from Merseyside should have been guaranteed the very best tips from a well-known outfit that, crucially, could be trusted if anything went wrong. As we detail on page 35 today, they have been horribly let down.

It was bad enough that Positive Solutions, which has 650,000 clients across Britain, sold them a risky property fund that was unsuitable for their needs. The Whistons should have been avoiding risks with their savings as they entered retirement.

But to weasel out of paying compensati­on to an elderly couple is despicable.

The law states that you have six years to submit a claim for mis-selling after you sign the contract. You can challenge this if you can prove it’s been less than three years since you realised you’d been duped. But that’s a tough hurdle to clear, as it’s subjective.

Now, my view on the rule of law is a fairly common one: it exists to make our lives better, not worse, and ensure fairness. So it gives me no pleasure to say that this story shows the mis-selling compensati­on rules fail miserably on both counts.

Yes, there is a logical reason for having a time limit: it means firms don’t have to store your records indefinite­ly, which would be burdensome to say the least.

But, ultimately, it shouldn’t matter whether you were wronged yesterday or in the middle of the last century. If it was wrong then, it’s still wrong now. And it should follow that if you’re hit in the pocket by that act of negligence — malicious or not — your right to justice doesn’t fade over time.

It would be reassuring to think Liverpool County Court might agree, but judges are charged with upholding the law, rather than rewriting it, so there’s no guarantee.

That’s why it’s so disappoint­ing that Positive Solutions, now owned by the insurer Old Mutual, has so far refused to put this mess right.

It shouldn’t matter what the law says: the firm could, and should, have taken the honourable way out and protected its reputation by coughing up the cash when it admitted to mis-selling.

It’s only now, after substantia­l pressure from Money Mail, that the firm is saying it might be able to negotiate an out-of-court payout. It should issue the Whistons the full £43,000 they’re owed.

I’m struck by two conclusion­s from all of this. The first is that, as investors, it pays to be wary of property funds and the smooth-talking suits who flog them.

Property investing might seem a one-way bet after years of stonking house price growth. But there are no guarantees, and it can be tricky to get at your cash in a crisis.

The second is that there must be a case for new rules around obtaining justice when you’re duped into a dodgy deal. Now most of our financial records are digital, it’s surely time to review that mean-spirited six-year claims window.

Keep hunting

SHOP around, shop around, shop around. When it comes to insurance, mortgage, savings — in fact, almost everything we write about in Money Mail — I just can’t say that enough.

Last Wednesday, I wrote how the most sensible response you could have to Brexit was getting all your financial affairs in tip-top shape.

I’ve since received a letter from a Mr J. B., from South London, who brings home the point rather well.

The former bus driver and driving instructor, who is in his 80s, was quoted a whopping £1,716 annual premium by his insurer Age UK to cover a car worth £1,000.

He surmised that the hike must have been due to a hit-and-run accident in February (the other driver did the running and his car took most of the hitting) and vandalism to his vehicle the year before.

Luckily, he turned his nose up at the offer and found a better deal with Saga at just over £700 — less than half the price and saving him around £1,000.

Unfortunat­ely, most insurers are guilty of taking loyal customers for a ride these days. And while it’s a hassle, switching providers is the only way of beating them at their own game.

Sharp service

MORE examples of excellent customer service keep flooding in — thank you. Here are my two favourites this week.

N. P. of Somerset writes: ‘I emailed Taylor’s Eye Witness of Sheffield, as I had lost a small silver plastic screw cover from my revolving acrylic knife block and needed a replacemen­t.

‘They replied straight away to say that, sadly, they didn’t keep any stock of that part, but that a replacemen­t knife block was on its way to me. What wonderful customer service.’

And D. C., via email, says: ‘My wife is disabled and we cannot travel. We wanted to open a passbook account with Virgin Money (nearest branch around 50 miles away). I spoke to a lady in the Virgin head office in Newcastle on the phone, and she went the extra mile. ‘She filled out all the forms, sent everything out with a stamped, addressed envelope for us to return, did all the paperwork, posted the passbook and documents to us — and then rang to make sure all was dealt with satisfacto­rily. Good service or what!’ I hadn’t heard of Taylor’s Eye Witness, so I looked it up and found its knives are stocked at Argos, Amazon and other major retailers. It’s a small firm that has been making knives in its factory in Milton Street, Sheffield — the original British city of steel — for more than 150 years. That sort of service should help it keep going for another 150. And while Virgin has a reputation for decent service, what an example it has set for other banks. It’s proof that these giant firms can treat vulnerable customers with care and respect if they just put their minds to it.

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