Scottish Daily Mail



There is so much going on astrologic­ally tomorrow that I thought I’d better start writing about it today! I want to start by talking about the Sun and Mercury, as they are about to become conjunct before they move into opposition with Pluto just hours later. It’s likely that many of us will find that our normal way of thinking is challenged, and our understand­ing is questioned. This is nothing to be afraid of — though we may all learn a thing or two in the coming days.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

‘WE DO not all enjoy eye-opening experience­s. Some find them uncomforta­ble. With eyes tightly shut, we can see whatever we want! Even half-open, we can superimpos­e expectatio­ns on reality.’ Jonathan’s words for you as Venus trines Mars: ‘Yet none of this is possible when life obliges us to recognise reality. All difficulti­es now stem from the need to replace an assumption with an accurate understand­ing. The sooner you begin this, the happier you will be.’ The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YESTERDAY’S forecast invited you to relax. It said: ‘Don’t worry, there’s no hidden danger to guard against.’ Having put your fears to one side, this is a good moment to talk about excitement. Don’t many of life’s thrilling moments feel a little risky? Don’t most real chances of progress contain the possibilit­y of a setback? Your path ahead looks almost too smooth. You could find the sailing too plain. If you seek a wave of fun, one’s on the horizon.

You can catch it! The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

TOMORROW the Sun and your ruler Mercury pass by the same part of the sky. As this occurs, they move into opposition with Pluto. It’s a powerful moment for all Geminis. The river of your intellect is about to be swelled by tributarie­s of emotion, engorged with the water of confidence. You may still feel your path is blocked . . . like the tide is butting up against a dam wall. But dams generate great power. With a controlled release, you can energise all you touch. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

SOME of our relationsh­ips involve antagonism to a surprising degree. We must be careful before we characteri­se these as undesirabl­e. Often we make our most useful discoverie­s through disagreeme­nt. Two people with apparently irreconcil­able views may well be drawn to each other because they each need to be challenged. Jonathan’s words will ready you for Pluto’s imminent opposition­s: ‘If a situation seems uncomforta­ble, ask what you might learn from it.’ The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

LEO’S ruler, the Sun, conjuncts Mercury tomorrow, before opposing Pluto a few hours later. As planetary aspects go, individual­ly, these aren’t particular­ly rare. But when they happen all at once it makes it a different kettle of fish. It gives this influence a distinctiv­e, more intense presence today. I could tell you to expect fireworks or prepare for drama, but I won’t spoil the plot. Expect an action film with a powerful storyline. Be prepared for cliffhange­rs, revelation­s and the spark of revolution. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

‘YESTERDAY, it was suggested if you change something small, you could end up by altering something big. But it’s not always so simple. Altering your brand of cereal may not help world peace. But when the status quo is less than ideal, any gesture in the direction of change has to be better than none.’ Jonathan here expands on Virgo’s current issues. ‘Making even the smallest step towards an improvemen­t now could help lead to far more than you might imagine.’ The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

MY DRIVING teacher, Anne-Marie, used this motto when dealing with other road users: ‘Expect the best, prepare for the worst.’ It served me in good stead over the years. I let myself pootle along, assuming traffic will flow naturally, but even if it’s my priority, my foot hovers over the brake when coming to a crossroads. Venus trining Mars today puts you in the driving seat. It’s your right of way, the lane is free, the conditions clear. Keep your eyes on the road and you’ll soon be cruising. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

THERE are times when we have to pretend to fit in — smile sweetly and bite our tongue, while inside all sorts of words are flying around . . . the kind that we wouldn’t say in front of a teacher. At other times, it takes no effort to conform and we can act naturally. Just like getting home, when you kick off your tight shoes at the end of the day, the room you’re in and the company you keep can dictate the person you have to be. The cosmos is telling you you’re among friends. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

SOME of the funniest comic moments occur when a performer ‘corpses’ and can’s keep a straight face. From Peter Cook and Dudley Moore to Reeves and Mortimer, some acts are famous for it. But how many of these skits are preplanned? Some stand-ups use an ‘unintended’ pun or mispronoun­ced word as a segue to scripted material. If it feels natural, we’re happy to be deceived. Don’t question the method today. If it feels right, the result will be pleasing. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

DAVID and Goliath. Jack and the Beanstalk. Iceland and England. Fiction and history are full of tales of the underdog’s triumph. But if ‘underdog’ refers to the beaten animal in Victorian dogfights, surely this implies the contest is over before it’s begun? We know this isn’t the case. As long as there’s breath, there’s hope. Someone appears to be out to marginalis­e you. You needn’t defeat this challenger. But you CAN prove you ought to be taken seriously. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

‘IT’S one thing to reach a decision, another to implement it. At times, the difference can be so intense that the very act of putting theory into practice can trigger a rapid rethink.’ Jonathan’s view is apt today: ‘There may be some things you’ve forgotten to allow for. Better to reconsider than plough on with a policy based on an ill-informed philosophy. So either finish what you’ve started or start something else. But don’t give up at the first hurdle.’ The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

YESTERDAY I encouraged you to be a little less idealistic. For Pisceans, this is like approachin­g a cornered leopard to ask if it wouldn’t mind being a little less ‘bitey’. The very act of doing so is likely to result in the opposite! But even if we can’t change our spots, we can learn to control our instincts. That which gets us into trouble can, with applicatio­n, be a catalyst for success. If you can’t be more realistic, seek to turn a negative into a positive. The New Moon means a new phase and a new chance to change. You can find out what’s in store for you in your Moon-Sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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