Scottish Daily Mail

Oldest swimmer in town, shark that lives 400 years

- By David Wilcock

IT is a denizen of the deep that can grow up to 21ft in length and weigh more than 2,000lb.

Now scientists have revealed that the Greenland shark is also the longest-living vertebrate in the world – reaching up to around 400 years of age.

Writing in the journal Science, researcher­s said the slow-moving giants, found in Scottish waters, surpassed other species known for long life, such as turtles and tortoises. The bowhead whale’s lifespan is around 200 years.

Study leader Julius Nielsen, of the University of Copenhagen and Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, said: ‘Greenland sharks are among the largest carnivorou­s sharks on the planet and their role as an apex predator in the Arctic ecosystem is totally overlooked.

‘By the thousands, they accidental­ly end up as by-catch across the North Atlantic, and I hope that our studies can help to bring a greater focus on the Greenland shark in the future.’

Vertebrate­s are animals which have a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes.

According to the Shark Trust, the Greenland shark is ‘a massive species with a heavy cylindrica­l body and short rounded snout’ that can sometimes be found off Scotland, in the North Sea and part of the English Channel.

Its wider range, according to the trust’s website, includes ‘the east Atlantic from the Seine River mouth, France, to Spitsberge­n Island, Russia’ and correspond­ing latitudes in the western Atlantic.

It can be found in a wide range of waters ranging from coastal shallows to depths of more than 4,000ft and its diet consists of fish and crustacean­s, as well as mammals including seals.

The age of sharks can usually be measured by a method akin to using tree rings to age a tree, looking at hard cartilage growth.

But as Greenland sharks’ cartilage is very soft the team, which included scientists from Oxford University, the University of Tromso in Norway and Aarhus University in the Netherland­s, used a radio carbon dating method to look at the eye lenses of 28 females accidental­ly caught during studies of fish stocks off Greenland.

They found the sharks’ average life expectancy was 272 and the females may not reach sexual maturity until aged around 156.

Their paper says the only creature to live longer than the Greenland shark is the ocean quahog – an edible clam that can reach more than 500 years old.

 ??  ?? Record-breaking: Greenland sharks can weigh up to 2,000lb and have been spotted in Scottish waters
Record-breaking: Greenland sharks can weigh up to 2,000lb and have been spotted in Scottish waters
 ??  ?? Bowhead whale: Up to 200 years
Bowhead whale: Up to 200 years
 ??  ?? Quahog: Lives to more than 500
Quahog: Lives to more than 500

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