Scottish Daily Mail

Is Britain dragging its heels over Brexit?


brExIt: why negotiate? Why not just give instant notice that we’re leaving? Start with a blank sheet, make acceptable rules and regulation­s we need and apply common sense as we broaden them out. bring an end to the ‘bullying’ of the uK by all and sundry. If they want to impose heavy taxes on our exports, do exactly the same to theirs. Frau Merkel will soon become our chief negotiator.

CHRIS TRAFFORD, Worthing, W. Sussex. NEARLY two months after the decisive referendum, I can’t trace any real progress by the Government towards getting us out of the EU. The matter is urgent, but not a word do we hear from ministers as to what action has been taken to get the job done. The present Prime Minister has yet to prove she can be trusted to deliver Brexit. Instead of delay, the people expect action this day. Where is it?

JOHN PRITCHARD, Ingateston­e, Essex. It’S seven weeks since we voted to leave the Eu, and the uK is in financial turmoil, with racist hate crimes and fear and uncertaint­y among the population, including many people who voted Leave. Leavers have no plan on how we disentangl­e ourselves from the intricacie­s of Eu membership, and theresa May’s attempts to find out more about this just seem to be throwing up bigger problems. tory MPs, whether they voted Leave or remain, seem now to be toeing the party line of ‘brexit means brexit’ — though nobody actually knows what this means. by the time anybody finds out, there might not be a country to leave the Eu. the tabloid press has been printing any hate-inciting lies it pleases and there seems to be no law against this. We desperatel­y need strong and courageous leadership, yet politics is currently at its weakest — with Labour bickering among themselves, we have an unelected Prime Minister and the Lib Dems and others not in a strong enough position to mount a challenge. this leaves the uK vulnerable to outside forces who will be quick to take advantage of us.

ALISON HOUSE, Murcia, Spain.

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