Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


IT WOULD be a dream come true for me if all those participat­ing in and commenting on the Olympics were to stop talking about their dreams coming true.

GODFREY H. HOLMES, Withernsea, E. Yorks. I’D LIKE to thank whoever designed the animated trailer for the Olympics for a very clever and watchable piece of television.

CHRIS DAVIES, Chester. WHAT kind of people complain about a brief flash of nudity on Celebrity Big Brother, yet tolerate the foul language of the contestant­s?

DAVID STUCKEY, Stevenage, Herts. IT’S unfair to blame Princess Diana’s death on her bodyguards (Mail). Diana and Dodi died quite simply because they hadn’t belted up.

CLIVE JACKSON, Ramsgate, Kent. DOCTORS who are refusing to carry out cataract operations are telling people to eat more green vegetables (Mail). Shouldn’t that be more carrots?

ANDREW RHODES, Derby. IS THERE any chance of Andy from Emmerdale getting ten years not for murder, but for the bad acting we have to endure every week?

P. N. RODWELL, Thornton Heath, South London. IF THE House of Lords gets any more crowded, they’ll have to introduce strap-hanging, as on the London Undergroun­d.

CHARLOTTE JOSEPH, Lawford, Essex. WHY, at this late stage, are US Republican­s just beginning to realise Donald Trump isn’t a suitable candidate for the presidency when Mr and Mrs Average came to that conclusion two years ago?

ALAN DEWFALL, Melksham, Wilts. THE new Jason Bourne outing is totally incredible. I enjoyed the bang, crash, wallop, but when he visits London the scene opens with him finding a parking place. KEN SHARPE, Newark, Notts.

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