Scottish Daily Mail

Vibrant lilies bring colour to borders and patios

Add star quality to your patio with pots of bold, frilly lilies


ON A FAMILY walk in the Alps years ago, we found a glade of great beauty. Butterflie­s foraged along the flowerline­d path, but what impressed us most was a carpet of lilies beneath the trees. These were Lilium martagon, whose pink petals curl to form little turbans — hence the common name turk’s cap lily. Though wild, these plants would improve even the swankiest of plots.

Several European lilies are grown in gardens, as are Asian and American species. And after centuries of hybridisat­ion, garden hybrids run into thousands.

Lilies make superb cut flowers, too. Many are powerfully fragrant, have attractive foliage and are long lasting.

Potted lilies are on sale now. Use them as gap fillers or to transfer to larger containers. But don’t disturb the roots if you turn them out of their current pots. Autumn and spring are better for planting lilies, usually as bulbs. But if you want a good choice, order over the coming weeks and plant as soon as possible.


IT IS always wise to buy from specialist growers. Berkshireb­ased H.W. Hyde regularly wins gold medals at big flower shows.

Unlike tulip or daffodil bulbs, those of the lily are perishable. Orders will arrive fresh, having been held in cold storage — but be sure to plant yours within seven days of delivery. Find more guidance at

Most lilies make excellent patio plants. They need big containers, but often two seasons pass before re-potting is necessary. I prefer to do that in spring when growth is just beginning. You can lift, divide and re-plant bedded lilies in autumn or spring.

Some lilies are lime-tolerant, others prefer neutral or acid soil and all need good drainage. Digging leaf mould or compost into soil will benefit your plants. Lilies for limy or chalky soils are less common, but there’s still a good choice, including turk’s cap varieties, creamy yellow Mrs R. O. Backhouse, pink Jennifer Evans, and bright orange Tsing.


THE white Madonna lily, L.candidum, also likes alkaline soils. I’ve even seen it rooted in lime mortar on an old wall. Its fragrant blooms are perfect for cutting and great for a border. Other lime lovers include orange tiger lilies, L. lancifoliu­m, taller

and startling red and yellow When choosing, decide what you want from them. The best for cutting may not be ideal for borders, for example. But they’re superb as feature plants in containers.

For these, you could choose large-flowered Oriental types such as warm pink Mansfield or 2 m-tall longifloru­m types such as white Icebreaker. Tall lilies are fine for the back of a border, too.

In a mixed border I prefer perennials, which bulk up well. Martagons, tiger lilies and trumpet types such as yellow Golden Splendour would work for that.

Lilies are largely trouble-free. But there’s one serious pest — lily beetle. The 7mm scarlet adult and their larvae devour foliage.

There are no lastingly effective insecticid­es to deal with them. Although the adults are tricky to pick off, the larvae are easy to remove. They coat themselves with their own dung. So when pinching them off your plants, use disposable polythene gloves.

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Picture:GETTY Showstoppe­r: Large-flowered Oriental lily hybrids make superb container plants L. henryi L. pardalinum.
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