Scottish Daily Mail

Bibulous EC buffoon


HAS Jean-Claude Juncker been at the bottle again? The Mail can think of no other explanatio­n of the European Commission President’s disgracefu­l speech yesterday, in which he linked Brexit with the horrific killing of a Polish citizen in Essex.

Not one word did this bibulous bureaucrat say about the murders of British citizens such as Alice Gross, 14 – committed by killers convicted in their EU homelands before being allowed to strike again in the UK under his sacrosanct freedom of movement rules.

Nor did he mention the spate of racist attacks on his doorstep in Brussels.

Instead, Mr Juncker sought to smear Brexit voters with last month’s murder of Arkadiusz Jozwik in Harlow.

With unconsciou­s irony, this former prime minister of tiny, corrupt Luxembourg (population, 540,000) – who rules unelected over 500million EU citizens – went on to lecture the UK on the ‘European values’ of freedom, democracy and the rule of law.

Is he unaware that those values were flourishin­g in their British homeland long before Luxembourg and most of the rest of Europe knew the meaning of the words?

Anyone who doubts the wisdom of Brexit should read champagne-swilling Mr Juncker’s speech yesterday – and thank God we’re getting out.

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