Scottish Daily Mail

Another delay over decision on Heathrow

- By Jason Groves Deputy Political Editor

A FINAL decision on whether to expand Heathrow Airport will be delayed for up to 18 months while Theresa May tries to contain splits in her Cabinet.

Downing Street announced last night that, after years of dithering, ministers will make a recommenda­tion on airport expansion in the South East of England next week.

But, in a letter to the Cabinet, the Prime Minister said a ‘final decision’ would have to wait for the results of a ‘full and fair’ public consultati­on to be held next year.

MPs will not be asked to give a final goahead for a new runway until ‘the winter of 2017-18’ – suggesting the vote could come as late as March 2018.

In a highly unusual move, Mrs May also said she would allow Cabinet rebels such as Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Education Secretary Justine Greening to speak out against the plans.

The decision strongly suggests Mrs May will recommend expansion at Heathrow, rather than Gatwick. But the fresh delay sparked anger last night.

Former Tory chairman Grant Shapps described it as ‘very disappoint­ing’.

Mark Littlewood, of the free market Institute for Economic Affairs, said: ‘Yet another delay on airport expansion is a severe blow for our struggling aviation industry, business and consumers alike.’

Mrs May’s letter followed a debate lasting more than an hour at the Tuesday morning meeting of Cabinet. One source described the mood as ‘feisty’.

Asked how many ministers had threatened to resign over the issue yesterday, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: ‘I’m not keeping a tally.’

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