Scottish Daily Mail

Scottish Six: SNP ‘trying to exert political control of BBC’

- By Michael Blackley Scottish Political Editor

THE SNP was yesterday accused of trying to exert ‘political control’ on the BBC after failing in a bid to force it to introduce a ‘Scottish Six’ news bulletin.

Nationalis­t MPs tried to change the BBC Charter to include a line ordering it to replace the flagship national Six O’Clock News programme with a separate hour-long bulletin made in Scotland.

This would also see the demise of the Reporting Scotland news programme, whose presenting team is led by Jackie Bird.

But the move was rejected by MPs, with UK Government ministers

‘MPs cannot interfere’

accusing the SNP of trying to impose ‘political control’ on the BBC. An SNP amendment to the UK Government’s draft Royal Charter said Westminste­r and the BBC should ‘deliver maximum devolution of broadcasti­ng and, specifical­ly for Scotland, the Six O’Clock News option recommende­d by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’.

UK Culture Minister Matt Hancock told MPs: ‘It is vital the BBC is editoriall­y independen­t so politician­s cannot interfere with editorial matters. A vote for the amendment is a vote for political control of the BBC. The SNP may want political control of the BBC but we say no.’

Last month, we revealed the UK Government had moved to kill off the prospect of a Scottish Six by including a line in the new charter saying the BBC must ‘contribute to the social cohesion and well-being of the United Kingdom’.

Although the BBC has the power to make editorial decisions, including the introducti­on of a Scottish Six in place of the national Six O’Clock News, it must always act within the terms of its charter.

MPs last night rejected the SNP’s amendment, by 270 votes to 53.

During the debate, SNP culture spokesman John Nicolson, a former BBC Breakfast presenter, said it was ‘not delivering for Scotland’ and claimed staff had told him they wanted greater control over programmin­g north of the Border.

He added: ‘I believe in the concept of a separate Scottish Six, but at that point politician­s should stand back and allow the BBC to decide the form of that programme and the content of the programme.

‘For a significan­t period it’s been clear the BBC is not delivering for Scotland in the way it should.

‘There lies a problem at the heart of BBC Scotland. Without a fairer share of the licence fee, without greater control over its own budget, without the authority to make commission­ing decisions, BBC Scotland too often relies on the decisions of executives in London. Meaningful editorial and financial control must be transferre­d north of the Border.’

Mr Nicolson disputed the view that the BBC should ‘bring the nation together’, saying: ‘I think the job of the BBC is to report without fear or favour and to provide the best possible news for viewers rather than acting as a cheerleade­r for one constituti­onal settlement or another.’

Nationalis­t MP Deidre Brock, said BBC Scotland must be free of ‘the dead hand of Broadcasti­ng House’. She even appeared to attempt to influence staff appointmen­ts by urging it to ‘clear out the dead wood’.

Alex Salmond was hugely critical of the BBC during the independen­ce referendum, even claiming that pro-Union bias by the broadcaste­r was a ‘significan­t factor’ in deciding the result.

During yesterday’s debate, Tory MP Alberto Costa said an hourlong Scottish news bulletin would ‘chip away at a great institutio­n’.

The South Leicesters­hire MP claimed the SNP’s amendment was the latest ‘tool’ adopted by a party ‘hell-bent on destroying the sovereign United Kingdom’. He said: ‘All the amendment wants to do is drive a wedge between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom.’

Scottish Labour Westminste­r spokesman Ian Murray said the SNP was ‘pushing the Government to make a decision on the Scottish Six, rather than leaving it in the hands of the BBC’.

The MP added: ‘I am glad John Nicolson accepts there should be no political inter-ference in the BBC’s editorial process. What I can’t understand is why he tabled an amendment that directly contradict­s this by calling on the UK Government to intervene to secure a Scottish Six.’

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 ??  ?? Scots presenter: Jackie Bird
Scots presenter: Jackie Bird

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