Scottish Daily Mail

Bitter Bremoaners


ONLY two months after the country voted to leave the European Union, an organisati­on emerged calling itself Open Britain, which argued for something no one had ever heard of before – ‘soft Brexit’.

With startling gall, this group and its supporters demanded Britain stay in the single market, while ignoring the inevitable consequenc­e: yet more open door immigratio­n.

Open Britain also resurrecte­d Project Fear, by seizing on every negative economic headline while ignoring all the good news. Most brazenly of all, its supporters argued it would be ‘undemocrat­ic’ to begin leaving the EU without a vote by MPs.

At first, it was largely ignored. Only with the help of copious and entirely unwarrante­d BBC airtime did its insidious attempt to undermine the referendum result gain any prominence.

So who is behind this gang of bitter Bremoaners? As the Mail reveals today, Open Britain is simply the official Remain campaign group, Britain Stronger in Europe, under a different title. Nowhere does it advertise this fact on its website. Nor does it reveal the same people are pulling the strings behind the scenes, such as the unelected Labour peer and former EU commission­er Peter Mandelson and unaccounta­ble City lobbyist Roland Rudd.

So it is that powerful men with no mandate from the electorate are determined to subvert the 52 per cent of the country who voted against our membership of the EU.

Mr Mandelson – who is busy making himself rich from some of the world’s dodgiest regimes – and Mr Rudd, who serves shadowy powers in the City, have not one ounce of democratic legitimacy.

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