Scottish Daily Mail

Don’t let greedy firms pocket your pension

- By Dan Hyde

THIS is how mis-selling scandals tend to play out.

It starts with a few brave souls complainin­g that they got a raw deal.

They’re called loonies and their pleas for recompense fall on deaf ears.

Everyone trots out the same line: ‘That’s just the rotten lot you get in modern Britain.’

Then newspapers such as Money Mail catch wind of what’s going on and the nefarious sales tricks used to lure customers into shoddy deals start to emerge.

The guilty companies try to brush everything under the carpet and watchdogs carry on sleeping at the wheel.

It stays that way for years . . . until the mess finally unravels and millions of customers win compensati­on.

That was the story with £25billion PPI mis-selling furore in the 2000s, and doorstep pension sales, and endowment mortgages in the Eighties and Nineties. The annuity scandal could well be on the same path.

It took Money Mail several years to convince the dozy Financial Conduct Authority that insurers were depriving long-standing customers of vital oldage income. If greedy insurers had their way, the past would have been buried by the time former Chancellor George Osborne ruled that all over-55s could access their pensions without buying an annuity.

Three years ago we compiled a dossier exposing the dirty tricks insurers were using to cut pension payouts for savers in poor health.

We revealed that one saver was signing up to a poor annuity every seven minutes. The insurance trade body went ballistic, questionin­g our motives and evidence.

After an investigat­ion, the Associatio­n of British Insurers issued new industry guidelines and said everything was fixed. But nothing was done to compensate those who’d lost out. Last Friday the FCA finally published its own evidence of mis-selling.

And once again, insurers insisted there was nothing to worry about.

Yvonne Braun, director of long-term savings at the ABI, said she was ‘pleased but not surprised’ that the ‘thorough and wide-ranging review’ by the FCA ‘found no evidence of an industry-wide or systemic failure’.

‘As the FCA points out, the informatio­n firms have given customers about enhanced annuities in the majority of cases has been timely, relevant and adequate and enabled customers to make informed decisions,’ she said.

Not a word of apology to the 90,000 victims of blatant mis-selling. How shameful. Those who lost out were pensioners in poor health forced to live on unfairly low incomes for up to six years.

In some cases, very sick savers have died without seeing justice. It’s little comfort to their families that they had no idea they were being ripped off.

Figures show as many as 1.3 million people could have qualified for an enhanced annuity rate but failed to get one.

So just like with previous scandals, we could be looking at the tip of an iceberg.

If you think there was any chance you were mis-sold, put in your claim for compensati­on using our template letter on the cover of Money Mail. We mustn’t let these greedy insurers whitewash their shady pasts.

Tactless con

CONTACTLES­S cards make me nervous. Unlike with chip and Pin, anyone can use any card without any security check. You simply wave the plastic over a reader in a shop and, without CCTV, there’s very little way of proving whether it was you or a criminal making the payment.

As our investigat­ion reveals today, these cards are dangerousl­y unsafe.

You can fall victim to a 21st century ‘pickpocket’ and lose £30 to a card reading machine while you’re wandering down the street — and be left none the wiser.

Banks absolutely must keep offering an alternativ­e to customers for whom all this technology is a step too far.

Having said all that, I do have a lingering desire to use this technology. Shops everywhere from Bath to Newcastle are having contactles­s card terminals installed. When I’m grabbing a sandwich at lunch or a newspaper before I catch the train, the speed and efficiency is a big draw.

The elderly and disabled can benefit, too, because there’s no need to remember Pins or battle with fiddly keypads.

The good news is that the answer to the security flaws might not be so far away.

Over the summer I started using my mobile phone to make contactles­s payments.

By loading my card details on to the Apple Pay app I can wave the phone over a shop’s contactles­s reader to pay. Crucially, nothing will come off the card unless I place my finger over the fingerprin­t reader on my smartphone.

That means I can pay by tapand-go — and still be sure who made the purchase if there’s a problem.

Not everyone wants to use a smartphone (I often feel like ditching mine, it’s such a incessant distractio­n).

But if banks could find a way for everyone to use fingerprin­t ID technology to pay and withdraw cash, it might help eliminate fraud and make life easier.

Purple haze

WALKING down the vegetable aisle at my local Sainsbury’s the other day I spotted something strange happening with the aubergines. You could get a ‘Basics’ bag containing two or three small aubergines weighing an estimated 500g for £1.30. Yet right underneath were single ordinary sized aubergines for 55p. I took a loose aubergine to the scales and it weighed 300g. What a ruse. Sainsbury’s has always marketed its Basics range as being cheap and cheerful. If this example is anything to go by, you could face forking out more in your efforts to economise. It would cost £2.60 for a kilo of Basics bagged aubergine and £1.83 for a kilo of loose aubergines. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this type of price trap in a supermarke­t — they’re all at it. If you’ve spotted a shocker, let me know and I’ll print the best.

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