Scottish Daily Mail

The dastardly Mr Deedes


Interestin­g that Sir Philip Green spoke to ITV’s Robert Peston over the BBC last night about BHS. Peston’s 2008 book Who Runs Britain? contains a revoltingl­y hagiograph­ic chapter dedicated to Green’s prowess. Sample platitudes: ‘Probably the greatest retailer of his generation.’ ‘The loveable rogue of the British billionair­e class.’ ‘The matchless hero, the nonpareil of the new monied class.’ ‘The unchalleng­ed king of British buyouts’ with ‘one of the best analytical brains in British Business, a natural talent like a top class footballer’s.’ Was Shifty counting on an easy ride?

Former Treasury egghead Sir John Kingman has been cleared by the appointmen­ts watchdog to become chairman of Legal & General, for which he’ll be paid £340,000 for a three-day week. At 47, Kingman seems astonishin­gly young for such a role, particular­ly as chief executive Nigel Wilson is 59. Nor has he any previous experience in insurance. No matter. ExWhitehal­l mandarins are always top picks for lucrative board jobs.

EasyJet boss Dame Carolyn McCall, 55, will address students at Kent University tomorrow, in a lecture bravely called ‘Ask me anything!’ Virgin Airlines boss Sir Richard Branson is often asked whether he’s a member of the ‘Mile-High Club’ (he is). I’m trusting that refined Dame Carolyn won’t be subjected to any such impudence.

Crotchety former Bank of England economist David Blanchflow­er, 64, attacks William Hague over his criticism of central bankers. ‘He should keep his nose out of things he doesn’t understand.’ Blanchflow­er’s an oaf, but might have a point. Once considered an homme serieux, ex-McKinsey man Hague’s judgment has been iffy since he began flaunting his friendship with creepy actress Angelina Jolie.

Barely a week in the job, and the knives are already out for the British Chambers of Commerce’s ambitious, Washington-born director general Adam Marshall, 38. Previously the lobby group’s policy director, some members still aren’t happy at the shafting of his predecesso­r John Longworth, 58, forced out in March after backing Brexit. They also hoped a British D-G was not beyond the BCC’s grasp.

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