Scottish Daily Mail

Think you have cover for dry rot? We did — but it cost us £15,000

- By Lucy Tobin

I WAS playing peekaboo with my five-month-old baby when the phone rang with the news that would go on to cost us thousands of pounds, huge stress — and more sleepless nights than our newborn would ever be responsibl­e for.

It was our neighbour, who lived on the ground floor of our North London maisonette. She was having her bathroom refurbishe­d and the builders had called her at work. ‘They think they’ve found dry rot,’ she said. ‘So our works are being put on hold.’

I thought she was just being courteous by letting me know about the building work schedule. But dry rot — a subject I soon became an unwilling expert in — spreads like measles.

When the surveyors came, they confirmed the fungus was not only in the timber floorboard­s of our neighbour’s bathroom, it was probably in our half of the building, too.

It couldn’t have come at a worse time. After a two-year hunt for a new home, finally we’d had an offer accepted on a three-bedroom house two miles away.

Yet now we couldn’t sell our old flat until the rot was sorted.

At least the finances were covered, or so we thought. The neighbour and I had diligently paid a £475 annual premium on Axa building insurance to cover unforeseen works like this.

But despite being an experience­d financial journalist, I was shocked to learn that dry rot — one of the most expensive and invasive structural problems a property can face — is often excluded from home insurance policies.

I called on my profession­al experience to comb through Axa’s lengthy policy details with my husband, a financial analyst. It did list dry rot as an exclusion, but leakage of water was covered. What a relief. Three dry rot firms had sent reports to Axa identifyin­g the source of the dry rot as an undiscover­ed leak.

So surely we were covered? Not so.

Axa sent a loss adjuster who took a cursory look — there wasn’t much to see in our flat, certainly no visual evidence of dry rot or a leak, which is why we hadn’t known about it.

Then came an email — from the loss adjustor, not Axa, who we didn’t hear from directly again — effectivel­y saying: ‘Sorry, you’re not covered.’

I burst into tears. Quotes for fixing the rot in our flat alone were in five figures — and that was with caveats as contractor­s warned the extent of the rot was impossible to predict.

We faced the prospect of writing a blank cheque for the work. And that was before the cost of redecorati­on.

It’s an all-too-common problem. Jayesh Kothari wrote to Money Mail about a similar experience this summer.

When the 72-year-old noticed a kitchen floor tile had cracked, he found the damage was caused by an old washing machine leak — and that the whole floor was rotten.

It, plus the kitchen units, had to be replaced — but insurer John Lewis, underwritt­en by Royal & Sun Alliance, offered only a ‘gesture payment’ of £960. That was a shadow of the £8,000 bill because it excluded rot.

Friends and relatives also told us their dry-rot horror stories.

The extent of our problem soon became clear: the builders would have to knock through a big party wall, strip out our bathroom and timber beams and pull up the floor in three different rooms, including our baby’s nursery.

It would mean noisy, messy remedial works — and such huge expense that our dream house began to fade away.

The job was so disruptive that we had to move into my parents’ house for weeks. There, I spent all my spare time researchin­g dry-rot cover online, speaking to insurance experts, and trying to get through to Axa because the damage was caused by that hidden leak of water which we

were covered for. As households affected by dry rot find, policies often cover the causes, but not the rot itself. Insurers are experts at wriggling out of paying.

I grew more and more frustrated and couldn’t imagine how other victims, often bewildered by insurance industry jargon, would cope.

I suppose many just give up in the face of the complex, intimidati­ng insurance process, allowing the firms to save millions each year.

Our final bill for the dry rot works was for almost £15,000. Agog at this, and in one last desperate bid to hold Axa to account, I hired loss assessor, Douglas Greenston of DPG.

Loss assessors take a cut of insurance payouts, often 10 pc.

I sent Doug the same reports we had sent to Axa, and he spent weeks talking to the company on our behalf.

When Doug phoned with the wonderful news that Axa had agreed an ‘ex-gratia’ payment — effectivel­y saying it was out of goodwill rather than a legal obligation — of 40 pc of the cost, I had mixed feelings.

I was elated to get money back and grateful to Doug — even more so when he went back to Axa and the figure rose to 65pc, or £9,750, leaving us with about £8,000 to pay after fees. We were even able to buy our new house. But why the sudden settlement? I was left feeling that the odds are against ordinary people and you can only win against an insurer if you pay for a profession­al.

An Axa spokesman says: ‘Insurance policies are intended to respond to specific, identifiab­le events and address the damage caused by those.

‘Policies won’t pay out on wear and tear and damage caused by lack of maintenanc­e. Issues such as dry rot will not normally be covered by household policies as they tend to result from ongoing issues and lack of maintenanc­e.’

 ??  ?? Canny: Lucy Tobin, with son Jamie, hired a loss assessor
Canny: Lucy Tobin, with son Jamie, hired a loss assessor

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