Scottish Daily Mail

Thug who dodged sentence... because he refused to wear socks

- By Gordon Currie

A KNIFE-wielding thug refused to do community payback because he was not willing to wear socks with his trendy trainers.

The style-conscious criminal failed to carry out the courtimpos­ed order after telling social workers he was not fit to work because of blisters on his feet.

David Ross, 22, told Perth Sheriff Court that he could not wear compulsory protective footwear because he had turned up sockless in his Converse footwear.

He also demanded a day off from his community work to celebrate his 22nd birthday.

Sheriff Gillian Wade yesterday condemned his ‘lack of motivation and failure to comply’.

She added: ‘This order was imposed as an alternativ­e to custody.

‘Why on Earth did he think he would get a day off for his birthday?

‘You don’t get a day out of jail for your birthday, do you?

‘He should know very well they wouldn’t let him do work without protective clothing.’

Ross, of Dundee, was convicted of carrying a knife in a public place – on the A911 Milnathort to Glenrothes road near Kinnesswoo­d, Kinross-shire – on July 15, 2014.

He admitted the offence and was ordered to carry out 110 hours of community payback.

But he has yet to complete a single minute of the work ordered as an alternativ­e to jail.

After reading a report from social workers, Sheriff Wade said: ‘The initial complaint was blisters on his feet and he wouldn’t put on the boots. He was invited to provide medical vouching but did not do so.

‘He attended part of the induction on the first date. On the second date he wouldn’t put boots on.

‘He fails to attend the third because he thinks he’s booked the day off for his birthday.

‘He then fails to attend three more dates.

‘Several attempts were made to encourage him. Mr Ross has failed to comply with those instructio­ns.

‘The social work department have spent more than enough time on this man.

‘They indicated a lack of motivation and a failure to comply.’

Defence lawyer David Sinclair told the court Ross ‘hasn’t covered himself in glory’.

‘Very close to being sent to jail’

He added: ‘On August 7, he attended with Converse trainer boots and, such is the way of fashion, he did not wear socks with them.

‘I told him that may well be the reason he had blisters on his feet. He was told that without socks he could not wear the standard issue council boots.

‘He is aware he is testing the court’s patience to the absolute limit.

‘He knows he is very close to being sent to prison. ’

Perth and Kinross Council’s criminal justice case manager, Tracy Swan, told the court: ‘He refused to wear the safety boots and was therefore asked to leave the site.

‘He was asked to get medical vouching about the blisters on his feet as that was the reason he gave for not being able to wear the safety boots.

‘At the induction stage he mentioned his birthday but we wouldn’t have allowed an absence unless there was full compliance with the order. He showed poor compliance and motivation. He was given verbal warnings.’

Sheriff Wade noted that the order was due to be completed by October 31 but Ross had not worked any of the 110 hours.

She gave him 13 days to complete as many as possible.

The case will be reviewed at the end of the month.

 ??  ?? Socks appeal: David Ross, 22, needed them to wear safety boots
Socks appeal: David Ross, 22, needed them to wear safety boots

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