Scottish Daily Mail



ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

IF YOU’RE kind, generous, loving, giving and friendly, won’t you be acting like a mug? Won’t people walk all over you, trampling your feelings under foot? If you want to be respected, don’t you have to stand up for yourself? Maybe...up to a point. But what if you just want to be respected for all the good you can do and the positive influence you can have? Mercury opposes Uranus in your sign today, with Venus having just moved signs. If you have to fight, do so for the right reasons. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

LIFE works in mysterious ways. It was Carl Jung (perhaps my favourite philosophe­r) who suggested the concept of synchronic­ity. Just because something happens by coincidenc­e doesn’t mean it has no significan­ce. Life is sending you a sign. It suggests that, somewhere in your world, a change can be made. You can take the first steps along a different road. This needn’t be dramatic. A small adjustment can make a big difference to the direction you take. And the destinatio­n looks very promising. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHAT don’t you have enough time for? What do you wish you could squeeze more of into your life? And what manages to make its way on to your agenda even though you’d love to say: ‘No, I don’t have time for this, either!’ I ask only because a bit of creative shuffling is possible now. But, as your ruler opposes Uranus today, this requires a moment’s thought and the willingnes­s to get out of commitment­s that may have been given too automatica­lly! It will be worth the effort to make that change. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

REVOLUTION­S are rooted in history. They’re reactions against what’s gone before. They may focus on the future, but they can’t be understood without investigat­ing what gave rise to them. In a way, astrology is all about little revolution­s, and understand­ing your own nature… when it was shaped, what would most benefit it, and how you can create a more

fulfilling life. My job is to advise you. But if I’m the navigator, it’s your hands that grip the wheel. Look at your life’s map. You know where you need to turn. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WHAT can you do? What can’t you do? What must you do? What must you not do? And, the most crucial question of all, on whose authority are any of those imperative­s based? Mercury, opposing Uranus today, makes you more determined than ever to approach a situation from a very different angle. Should you really be picking this battle? Actually, yes! Someone needs to stand up and say, bravely: ‘Why are we doing things back to front?’ You’re certainly brave enough. Why shouldn’t that someone be you? What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WHAT’S the quickest way to make a small fortune? Start with a big one. Chipping away at an achievemen­t is easier than accomplish­ing something oneself. For every brilliant idea, there are always people determined to prove their mettle by tearing it down. Yesterday, I suggested you were due for a breakthrou­gh. But not every eureka moment is greeted with applause. Some meet suspicion, derision, even anger. If you can believe in yourself, you can prove the doubters wrong. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

AS MERCURY, in your sign, moves into opposition with Uranus today, here’s a quiz: To solve a problem, should you: A, break it up and tackle each part at a time?; B, emulate solutions that others have successful­ly applied in similar situations?; C, consider how a problem came about, so you can identify the right person to get angry with?; or D, stop looking for simplistic formulas and be open to the problem solving itself? This is a quiz with a difference: more than one answer is right. But here’s a tip. Avoid ‘C’! What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

YESTERDAY, we talked about the long-term ramificati­ons of your actions. You’re being tempted to make changes to what seems like over-familiar mundanity. You feel you deserve a better environmen­t, and that by breaking away from old routines, you’ll enter an exciting world. You may be right. But you should look before you leap. Excitement can cause disputes . . . and excitement fades. And there’ll always be distractio­ns that take your fancy. Be sure the decisions you make are for the right reasons. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

ON THE one hand, you’ve got Venus in your sign. That’s a big tick in the box marked ‘desirable and auspicious astrologic­al omens’, especially as the Sun prepares to enter your 12th solar house. But

then there’s another box that you’ve also got a tick in. That’s the one with Mercury opposing Uranus. It lists the reasons you have so many changes to make, and challenges to overcome. But the Venus factor counts for more. Wherever there’s love in your heart, there’s a big positive tick next to your future. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

NONE of us wants to feel weighed down by the past. We all have a chip or two on our shoulder, but we don’t like to feel our future is defined by the trouble we’ve seen. And it isn’t. At least, the options available to you now allow you the chance to put many worries behind you. It’s time to break free of the weight you’ve been carrying. Focus, instead, on the possibilit­ies in front of you. Somewhere, you have the answers you need and the power to implement the solutions they provide. Don’t hold back. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

HOW much fuss should you make? Is it worth saying anything at all? Will anyone listen? Shouldn’t you shrug your shoulders and get on with what is easy? Of course not. The heavens are emphatic in their suggestion of how much is possible. Even if, normally, you would dismiss a possibilit­y as too far-fetched, there are reasons to embark with confidence on the changes you need to make. Today, as Mercury opposes your ruler Uranus, blow your own trumpet. Your future deserves a fanfare. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

IT MAY only be Thursday, but I think it’s worth mentioning the weekend. Events that are unfolding will make more sense by then. Lessons will have been absorbed and you’ll be able to see things from a more philosophi­cal perspectiv­e. The weather may be stormy, so it’s worth keeping in mind that the changes you’re experienci­ng, and the discoverie­s you’re making, will soon make sense. There’s excitement in the air. But you can ride the waves. They’re taking you, with strength and speed, in the right direction. What’s happening to you? And why? How can you get what you need? Your latest forecast has the answers: 0906 751 5612.

 ??  ?? A BIT like London buses, we’ve got three astrologic­al events all turning up at once this week. Except, with buses, you can’t ride three simultaneo­usly. And, barring a diversion or two, they proceed along predetermi­ned routes and alight at well-worn...
A BIT like London buses, we’ve got three astrologic­al events all turning up at once this week. Except, with buses, you can’t ride three simultaneo­usly. And, barring a diversion or two, they proceed along predetermi­ned routes and alight at well-worn...

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