Scottish Daily Mail

Film hits the target


I CaN confirm that the points made in Ken Loach’s I, daniel Blake film about the review process for disability allowance claimants (mail) are pretty accurate.

Work capability assessment­s are outsourced to profit-making companies; severely disabled people are being assessed as fitfor-work, with their benefits immediatel­y disallowed; the appeals process can take weeks to complete; and, following a successful appeal, reinstatem­ent of benefits is delayed for months.

I know this from the experience of my partner’s son-in-law, a man aged 47 who has advanced multiple sclerosis, who cannot walk without crutches.

this is a man who, only a few years ago, was running his own electrical contractin­g company, employing several people. he was already on benefits but had to be assessed — fortunatel­y at his home — by a young woman from an outsourcin­g company.

she didn’t ask him to try to stand up or carry out any tasks, but, following that assessment, he was informed that his benefits would be removed as it was considered that he could wash himself and cook a meal. It took weeks to have that decision reversed on appeal, and even now arrears of benefit payments remain outstandin­g.

I believe the outsourcin­g companies are paid according to the amount they can ‘save’ the Government, and it’s in their interests to disallow as many claims as they can.

that this is the wrong approach for many cases seems to be confirmed by the Government’s recent announceme­nt that long-term disabled people will no longer be subjected to such assessment­s.

BRIAN J. STEELES, Stockport.

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