Scottish Daily Mail

Mobiles change the way we walk

- By Jim Norton

STARING at smartphone­s while on the move is changing the way we walk.

Scientists have found that our strides becomes more exaggerate­d as we try to avoid tripping over hazards.

Experiment­s using a treadmill showed that volunteers distracted by dialling began walking in odd elongated steps – with their ankles fully flexed and the knees bending to peak position on every movement.

The University of Delaware team said the unusual gait might be a subconscio­us attempt to cut the risk of falling. The US research appeared in the Journal of Motor Behaviour.

Last July, a study from the University of Bath found that people walked more cautiously to avoid bumping into obstacles and tripping over hazards while they texted on their phones. They took 26 per cent longer to complete a journey.

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