Scottish Daily Mail

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1 DONAlD TRUMP will be a record-breaker when he becomes U.S. President in January. But which of these will he lay claim to? A. The richest president in history B. The fattest president in a century C. The oldest first-time president D. The first president with no political or military experience 2 WHICH of the following women has Trump said he wanted to sleep with? A. Princess Diana B. Selina Scott C. Sarah Jessica Parker D. Cher 3 DONAlD TRUMP is not known for his internatio­nal diplomacy. Match the following comments with the countries he has insulted: 1. ‘A divided crime scene — and it will only get worse.’ 2. ‘Nothing but mouthpiece­s, bullies, cowards. They have the money, but no guts.’ 3. ‘A total mess — big crime.’ 4. ‘Trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem.’ A. UK B. Saudi Arabia C. Germany D. The U.S. 4 RANk these figures smallest to largest: A. The estimated cost of building the wall between the U.S. and Mexico. B. Disparity between what Trump claims his fortune to be and an estimate by Bloomberg. C. Value wiped off the UK’s top companies immediatel­y after news of Trump’s victory. 5 WHICH of the following celebritie­s did NOT say they would leave the U.S. if Trump were elected? A. Samuel L. Jackson B. Barbra Streisand C. Cher D. Kirstie Alley 6 TRUe OR FAlSe: Donald Trump’s campaign spent more on hats than it did on polling.

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