Scottish Daily Mail

Voters bite Beattie over Toblerone ‘mourning’

- By Annie Butterwort­h

A NATIONALIS­T MSP who tabled a motion over the future of his favourite chocolate bar has been condemned by his constituen­ts.

SNP Treasurer Colin Beattie’s motion ‘mourned’ changes to Toblerone bars after the confection’s size was cut.

Mr Beattie demanded ‘speedy action’ from the UK Government to remedy the change made to his favourite sweet – and blamed the new size and shape on Brexit.

But Mr Beattie would find the amount of sympathy in his Midlothian North and Musselburg­h constituen­cy even smaller than his snacks.

Robert Benson, 68, of Musselburg­h, said: ‘It is absolutely ridiculous. Does he not have better things to be doing?

‘He should be getting on with much more important things and not worrying about chocolate.’

Margaret Roberston, 78, also from Musselburg­h, thought the motion but forward by the SNP politician was a ‘joke’. She said: ‘This isn’t serious is it? Did he actually say mourning?

‘I think he should be helping older people his constituen­cy and fixing the roads and pavements.

‘I do think this will affect how I would vote to be honest.’

After expressing his dislike for the new-style Toblerone, Mr Beattie called on his fellow MSPs to support him.

Mr Beattie once lodged another motion to sing the praises of a restaurant he believed served ‘the best curry in Dalkeith’.

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