Scottish Daily Mail

Back to the Future for Ed

- Alex Brummer CITY EDITOR

AS Ed Balls heads to Blackpool this weekend it is hard not to think of him with his body whirling like a dervish, arms turning like a windmill and his large frame moving with surprising­ly light feet across the dance floor like an aspirant Fred Astaire.

Amid all the high jinks and heart stopping lifts that have endeared him to ‘Strictly’ viewers, it is quite hard to see him as a serious policymake­r again.

But then people do recover from such comic humiliatio­ns. Ann Widdecombe is still worth listening to on the nation’s chaotic prisons, Michael Buerk still admirably chairs the Moral Maze on Radio 4 and Sir Vince Cable is still sage on credit and the economy.

Neverthele­ss, it was a bit disconcert­ing to hear the former MP and Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls pronouncin­g on steps to curb the Bank of England. Balls rightly can claim some ownership of Bank independen­ce.

As economic guide to Gordon Brown at the Treasury, he was the architect of giving the Bank ‘operationa­l control’ of monetary policy and interest rates in 1997. This despite reservatio­ns by Treasury traditiona­lists and the refusal of previous reforming Chancellor­s to take such a step.

We tend to forget that Balls gave with one hand and took away with another. It was Brown and Balls who removed policing of the banking system from Threadneed­le Street and gifted it to the now defunct Financial Services Authority. The result was catastroph­ic when the credit crunch and financial crisis blew up in 2007-08. The Bank of England lacked the intelligen­ce network to see it coming and the FSA was useless.

Balls’ new idea, contained in a Harvard academic paper, talks of setting up a new systemic risk body, headed by the Chancellor, to take the political heat off the Bank. This essentiall­y is a rerun of the past when Balls and Brown drove Eddie George to the brink of resignatio­n after they moved banking supervisio­n to the FSA.

The Bank already has a Financial Policy Committee with outside members to take the hard decisions on risk. Major policy changes such as the Bank’s right to curb loan-to-value ratios for mortgages require Treasury concurrenc­e. Politician­s find the independen­t Bank an easy target as we discovered with Theresa May’s injudiciou­s speech at the Tory Party conference and Donald Trump’s unprovoked attacks on Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen during presidenti­al debates.

Both governor Mark Carney at the Bank and Yellen have demonstrat­ed the strength of character to defend their institutio­ns robustly and go about the business of central banking.

There is a case for increasing the political accountabi­lity of the Bank. One way of doing that would be to give the Treasury Select Committee and House of Commons a binding vote on approval or rejection of nominees for the governor-level jobs at the Bank and all the members of the policy committees. Handing back powers to the Chancellor – even if the idea is to somehow strengthen the Bank – is not the answer. Balls should spend more time perfecting his footwork.

Mining misdeeds

NATURAL resources is a rough business and much of what goes on in some of the poorest and most ethically challenged parts of the world goes relatively unnoticed.

BHP Billiton disgracefu­lly held a closed session at its recent AGM rather than allow the media access to detailed questions over the Samarco dam disaster in Brazil. This is the biggest natural catastroph­e facing a Britishquo­ted company since BP’s Deepwater Horizon explosion. Rio Tinto’s new chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques is adopting a very different approach over the bribery scandal that has erupted in Guinea, classified by Transparen­cy Internatio­nal as 139th on its 168 list of corrupt nations. Jacques peremptori­ly sacked two senior officials – Alan Davies and Debra Valentine – for failing to maintain ‘the standards expected of them’. Davies is hitting back and clearly wants to protect his reputation.

Rio is right to want to clean the stables. But it appears from emails seen by the FT that two well remunerate­d former chief executives, Tom Albanese and Sam Walsh, may have had some knowledge of the allegation­s. As a leading Anglo-Australian company expected to abide by the highest standards of governance, Rio cannot be allowed to sort matters alone. Both the Serious Fraud Office and its Australian counterpar­ts should become involved.

Dimon days

ANOTHER day and another fine for America’s largest bank JP Morgan Chase. This time Jamie Dimon’s bank has coughed up a £212m fine to settle a US probe into charges that it gave jobs to Chinese ‘princeling­s’ – relatives of key figures in power – so as to win favour with officials in Beijing, who could help the bank win business.

As well as being the US’s biggest bank it is also the world’s most fined and has paid an estimated £22.5bn in penalties. Yet Dimon remains in work as chairman and chief executive, and his power looks undiminish­ed.

Who could blame him for seeking an exit.

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