Scottish Daily Mail

Ambition matched only by duplicity — and lack of talent

- By Quentin Letts

WHICH politician recently said: ‘One of the golden rules of politics is that if your opponent is attacking you personally, then they are rattled’? And which politician took a personal swipe at Theresa May for wearing a £995 pair of leather trousers and suggested they were the height of political vulgarity?

Surely, the answers couldn’t have been the same person?

But yes. Step forward Nicky Morgan, the former Education Secretary. And another classic example of the behaviour of the woman who has been nicknamed ‘Ms U-Turn’.

Her tetchy comment about Mrs May came after the PM was photograph­ed at home wearing her favourite weekend trousers.

Designed by Amanda Wakeley, they are brown (or, if you are a fashionist­a, ‘bitter chocolate’). Mrs May, who is keen on clothes, also wore a pair of Burberry trainers and a loose jumper with a cowl top. The photograph was intended to show our workaholic PM in relaxation mode. Mrs Morgan, not much of a fashion model herself, took a dim view. ‘I don’t have leather trousers,’ she shuddered in an interview. ‘I don’t think I’ve spent that much on anything apart from my wedding dress.

‘My barometer is always: “How am I going to explain this in Loughborou­gh market?”’ (That’s the town in Mrs Morgan’s Leicesters­hire constituen­cy.)’ As a cat might say: ‘Miaow’! It is rare for any woman publicly to diss another’s dress sense. For a recently-sacked Cabinet minister to do so about the leader who gave her the heave-ho was remarkable. Fight! Fight!

Nicky Morgan claims to be both a modern churchgoer and an ardent feminist. Her remarks were hardly evangelica­l or sisterly.

More to the point, they were rather hypocritic­al, too, as she herself has been seen carrying a £950 bag from upmarket Mulberry.

In her days as Minister for Women in the Cameron government, she deprecated the media’s interest in women’s appearance­s, claiming it was sexist.

HOW can she square that with her denunciati­on of Mrs May’s clothes sense? Maybe it is not just the PM’s trousers that have a hint of ‘bitter chocolate’ about them. But then consistenc­y and grace have seldom been much discernibl­e in Nicky Morgan since this ambitious but clumsily duplicitou­s politician first entered the Commons as an eager Cameroon in 2010.

She has been an MP for just six years yet already poses as some sort of grandee. If nothing else, Mrs Morgan is an example of the hazards of promoting novices to high office.

Just over a year ago she was even, absurdly, talking up her chances of succeeding Cameron as Tory leader.

When she was elected an MP in 2010, she was little known outside her marginal constituen­cy. Born in 1972, she had been reared in comfortabl­e Surrey, the daughter of a Tory councillor.

She was head girl at her minor public school, Surbiton High, but an English teacher, Marilyn Mason, recalled she was ‘reasonably able’ rather than an exceptiona­l talent. She was a ‘very polite, good girl’ who worked hard and was a ‘perfectly competent’ actor in the school play, her former teacher told Radio 4’s Profile. At that, the older woman’s voice trailed away.

Young Nicola had plainly not been one of those razor-sharp pupils teachers love to remember.

Even so, she went on to study law at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, where she twice failed to be chosen as chairman of the university’s Conservati­ve associatio­n.

In the second contest, she was beaten by Dan Hannan, the brilliant politician who went on to become became a Euroscepti­c MEP and one of the philosophi­cal forces behind the Leave campaign.

Morgan had to content herself with a vaguely Sloane Rangerish college life, bouncing around Oxfordshir­e parties and honking away about local and Young Conservati­ve politics rather than loftier concepts of liberty and aspiration.

After qualifying as a solicitor in 1994, she worked in corporate law and helped run Battersea Conservati­ves before the Party’s poor performanc­e in the 1997 election. She went parttime to have a baby after marrying architect Jonathan Morgan. Their wedding was held at Inner Temple’s chapel, a redoubt of the legal establishm­ent. Jonathan is now a local politician in Leicesters­hire.

Her election to the Commons was her second stab at that marginal seat. Celebratin­g, she said ‘the political system has been shattered’ and ‘the time for a new politics is here’. What a radical she sounded. It did not last.

New MPs divide broadly into three categories. There are those who say little and sink to obscurity. There are those who say what they think and are rebuked by the Whips for being too independen­t-minded. Then there are the shameless stooges who do what the Whips want and keep spouting the party line.

DURING the first months of the Coalition — when Theresa May was Home Secretary — it became clear Nicky Morgan was one of those incorrigib­le greasers. Up she kept bouncing in the House, to utter the approved slogan of the day. Downing Street was clearly delighted to have such malleable clay at its disposal.

Within three months she had been made Parliament­ary Private Secretary to universiti­es minister David Willetts, a sometime Thatcherit­e who had become as wet as a duck’s rump. Though Mrs Morgan was MP for a university town, she managed to swallow any reservatio­ns about Willetts’ plans to raise college fees.

The dutiful ink monitor was once more doing Sir’s bidding. Her

devotion to the Government saw her made a junior Whip in 2012. The following year she became a Treasury minister — a heady ascent for so green a parliament­arian.

Mrs Morgan’s inexperien­ce showed at the despatch box, where she responded to tricky questions with shouty slogans and bulgy-eyed stares of crossness. The Chancellor, George Osborne, had identified her as a reliable gofer, but I understand he did not regard her as a grade A intellect.

The one policy on which she departed from Tory moderniser­s was gay marriage. In 2013, before a free vote, she said marriage should be only between a man and woman. She cited her church beliefs and noted that her constituen­ts had made plain their disagreeme­nt with the idea.

However, a year later she changed her mind. But by then, you see, she had become Education Secretary, with responsibi­lity for ‘equalities’.

It is worth quoting the explanatio­n she gave for her volte-face.

From her comfortabl­e new ministry, she said: ‘I had a lot of constituen­ts who asked me to vote in a particular way and I listened to them and it was an issue of conscience, too, but I have certainly learned an awful lot doing this job.

‘I wish people had come forward earlier to say “actually, we’d like you to support gay marriage”. Actually, I think it was something we needed to discuss and debate.’

She also told her local newspaper: ‘I think we could have handled the whole thing differentl­y and taken more time to have more of a public debate about it instead of just ploughing on.’

An ‘issue of conscience’ had been relegated to merely a matter of ‘just ploughing on’, had it?

Does not that, along with her waffle about ‘debate’ and her blustering repetition of ‘actually’, suggest a certain elasticity of view, a tendency to procrastin­ation until she knew which way the wind is blowing?

Her predecesso­r as Education Secretary, Michael Gove, had been quite different. Bravely, and with mischievou­s elan, the low-born Gove wrestled with the ‘blob’ of the Education establishm­ent — the teaching unions, Left-wing think tanks, educationa­lists and their dumbed-down consensus.

GOvE made enemies, as a bold minister always will. Cameron took fright and replaced him with bland Mrs Morgan. On taking over, she claimed there would ‘certainly be no backpedall­ing on reforms’, but her words were soon demonstrab­ly untrue.

She set about dismantlin­g some of Gove’s policies, for instance on snap inspection­s of schools and on giving head teachers the right to punish pupils by sending them for a run (the Left thought this an affront to their human rights and Mrs Morgan agreed).

Gove had insisted that parents should not take their children out of school in term-time to go on foreign holidays. Mrs Morgan thought that too strict, even though there were serious principles at stake about school discipline and children missing vital lessons. But perhaps principles, like conscience, counted as ‘just ploughing on’.

Mrs Morgan said that she would ‘tone down the rhetoric and have a reasoned debate based on what works’. There was that word ‘debate’ popping up again. She uses it as a synonym for delay preceding surrender. She added: ‘For those looking for an ideologica­l sparring partner to do battle with, quite simply I’m not your woman.’ You could say that again! This one has all the ideology of a limp strand of spaghetti. And come the Tory leadership battle, who did she support? Michael Gove!

It was little wonder, then, that when chillaxed David Cameron was succeeded as Prime Minister by the rigorously bookish Mrs May, Nicky Morgan was fired.

Mrs May, after all, had less need for token women in the Cabinet.

Mrs Morgan took her dismissal badly, soon mocking Mrs May for, she claimed, having found it difficult to look her in the eye and cough out the bad news when dismissing her. ‘I had to help her utter the phrase: “So you’d like to let me go,”’ she told Robert Peston on ITv.

It was quite something to hear the serially indecisive Nicky Morgan criticise Mrs May for dithering. She also broke Cabinet protocols by disclosing that she had clashed with Mrs May over immigratio­n policies.

(Leaked Cabinet letters suggested that the Home Office under Mrs May had wanted the children of illegal immigrants to go to the bottom of the list for school places.)

THIS helped Mrs Morgan to polish her own reputation, but it did rather less for Tory unity. Most sacked ministers have the modesty to accept that politics is a team game and no one has a personal right to remain in office. Most sacked ministers have the nous not to deride a new Prime Minister.

Not so the clunky Nicky Morgan. No wonder that her old boss, George Osborne, looked a bit uneasy when his former subordinat­e plonked herself down next to him on the Commons back benches. He has since been seen in different parts of the Chamber.

She was soon taking to social media to criticise the new Government’s policy on expanding grammar schools. She blurted that this was ‘weird’ and ‘at best, a distractio­n, and at worst risk actively underminin­g six years of progressiv­e education reforms’.

The same Nicky Morgan, as Education Secretary, had just a few months earlier approved the expansion of a grammar school in Kent. What a hypocrite.

Inevitably, she has also been belly-aching about Brexit.

Last week she could be seen twitching like a hen in the Article 50 debate in the Commons, taking the view that the Government should yield to greater parliament­ary scrutiny.

Yet at the same time she said it was vital to ‘heal the rife between Parliament and the people’.

Not for the first time, she was trying to straddle opposing ends of one argument.

She also chided ‘ministers — from the Prime Minister downwards — to inspire as well as engage on these issues’.

Such lofty scorn might have been easier to take from someone with a more original turn of phrase, a better record of innovative thinking, than the prosaic, lumpen, cliched Morgan.

She has tried to ally herself to Remainers Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke but they — both long-term pro-Europeans with distinctiv­e voices and mercurial flair — are a class apart.

When you hear Nicky Morgan drearily trotting out the antiBrexit line, it is hard to conclude that this is anything but a second-rater coughing up received views like a garden bird regurgitat­ing worms.

It is likely that the Loughborou­gh seat will disappear in the coming constituen­cy boundary reviews. We must hope sincerely that no new Conservati­ve associatio­n is foolish enough to adopt Ms U-Turn as its candidate.

 ??  ?? Upmarket accessory: Nicky Morgan with her Mulberry bag
Upmarket accessory: Nicky Morgan with her Mulberry bag
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