Scottish Daily Mail

Would you Pay for ch

- by Samantha Brick

tHE table is set, the champagne’s on ice and crackers sit by the plates. All that remains is for the guests to arrive for Christmas lunch, where they will be welcomed with open arms. As long as they have paid up in advance, that is. This is the reality of Christmas Day festivitie­s at the home of Leah Wright this year. She has invited 12 people — all family — to celebrate with her and her partner, Andrew Fuller, at their comfortabl­e home in South London. Yet she has made it clear that guests can only attend if they pay her £60 per couple for the privilege.

And if you’re coming without a plus one? Too bad. Leah’s mother and sister are attending without partners and must still fork out £60 each.

Not only that, but Leah insists on having the money in advance — cash or a bank transfer directly into the couple’s account.

For providing the lunch, she has a budget of just over £400. It’s a sum that will leave Leah with a profit from her guests’ contributi­ons, and cover the cost of her own and Andrew’s Christmas lunch.

And her guests won’t even get a glass of wine for their £60 fee — they have been asked to bring a bottle with them.

‘Everyone is in employment, we all receive compliment­ary bottles [of wine] at this time of year. I don’t see why we shouldn’t all enjoy them at the family Christmas lunch,’ says Leah.

At this point, many people will be thinking that even Scrooge might have blanched at turning a profit from making family members pay for a home-cooked meal to which he had invited them.

Yet Leah is not alone. She is one of a growing number of women who are requesting payment in return for entertaini­ng family and friends on Christmas Day. Goodwill to all men? Not quite, it seems. But 28-year-old Leah, a primary school teacher on maternity leave, is unrepentan­t.

She says she simply can’t see why she should have to take the financial hit for feeding so many people.

Not that she is exactly on the breadline. She and 33-year-old Andrew, an executive chef, have a combined annual household income of £85,000. And it is Christmas, after all.

Perhaps not surprising­ly, there has been outrage from some family members at the idea of paying for their festive lunch.

The first rumbles of discontent surfaced when Leah sent out emails and texts to everyone in their immediate family, inviting them to lunch and also revealing how much they would have to pay for the privilege.

Her in-laws were particular­ly upset, Leah admits.

In contrast, her side of the family accepted the idea — because for the past four years they have also requested payment up front for the Christmas Day meal, a practice instigated by Leah’s mother.

Leah insists this is the first year there has been any muttering about money changing hands.

‘It has certainly caused issues with some family members. I heard several negative comments on the family grapevine and was a bit taken aback at first.

‘My two sisters and I don’t have a problem with paying. After all, it was a lot for Mum to have to cover on her own.

‘But this is the first year the two families have come together. My partner’s side aren’t used to how we do things, so that’s probably why they were shocked.’

It was left to Andrew to explain to his horrified relatives that Christmas would be a paymentonl­y affair.

‘What undoubtedl­y caused the family flare-up this year was the way we went about it — inviting everyone but telling them at the same time what we’re charging them,’ says Leah.

‘Perhaps receiving an email or a text isn’t in keeping with the festive season, but it’s better to be clear about it.’ d OES she regret the whole arrangemen­t? ‘Definitely not. My thinking is that just because we host the meal, that doesn’t mean we should cover the entire cost. It was only when we’d received some of the payments that we ordered the food.’

In an attempt to calm down everyone after her invitation, Leah, who has two sons, Jaylen, seven, and six-month-old Logan, then sent out her proposed menu, so guests could see what they would get in return.

She insists that for £60 they will be treated to a ‘restaurant experience’. ‘Andrew is a chef and what we’re offering isn’t a traditiona­l Christmas roast. He will prepare an exquisite threecours­e meal.

‘There are a variety of smoked salmon starters. The main course includes turkey, duck and pork, with a selection of five vegetables. This is followed by a choice of three desserts. If anything, we’re spoiling them!’

The planning for Leah and Andrew’s big Christmas lunch began in November. And while Leah, who has experience of catering and organising events, has no intention of cooking the now controvers­ial meal herself, she did design the menu.

‘I’m the bossy-boots,’ she says. ‘I knew exactly what I wanted. The only change I’ve had to make is including quiches as an option for starters, because my sisters aren’t keen on fish.

‘Our guests will arrive at 1pm, to sit down at 4pm. I enjoy being a hostess. I know how to make sure everyone has fun.

‘Despite everything, I don’t have any dread about how things will go on the day.

‘While our families are different and don’t share the same outlook on life, I’ll be keeping everyone’s glasses topped up while Andrew works in the kitchen.

‘We’re getting good deals on the meat and vegetables. Andrew is

These women aren’t ashamed to admit they do — and one even makes a profit

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