Scottish Daily Mail



WARRIORS winger Lee Jones will not lack for motivation when he takes to the Murrayfiel­d pitch on Monday to face his former club for the first time. Jones left Edinburgh for Glasgow in 2014, insisting he was not enjoying ‘the environmen­t’ under former head coach Alan Solomons. But the 28-year-old has become a key player for Gregor Townsend’s men this season after a slow start to his Scotstoun career, interrupte­d by his involvemen­t with the Scotland sevens squad. ‘This is the first derby match I have started since I moved to Glasgow and I can’t wait to have a crack against Edinburgh,’ said the Borderer. ‘I’d imagine Edinburgh have changed a lot since I was there and it was a great move for me to join Glasgow as I wasn’t enjoying the environmen­t at Edinburgh as it was at the time.’ Jones played his part as the Warriors recorded back-toback victories over French giants Racing 92 but revealed there had been no time to celebrate the famous victories. ‘We were obviously very disappoint­ed with our league form going into the two European games against Racing 92, so to play really well and win both matches has given us a bit of confidence ahead of the Edinburgh match — but the minute Europe was over our only focus was the derby game,’ said the Warriors winger. ‘It’s now all about us taking our European form back into the league and getting our Pro12 campaign back on track.’ With Tommy Seymour rested, Junior Bulumakau has been given the nod to make his first start against Edinburgh after impressing on loan at Glasgow Hawks. ‘I’m really pleased for Junior getting a start,’ said Jones. ‘He has been playing for Glasgow Hawks in the Premiershi­p and he’s scored a load of tries this season. ‘He’s very good on his feet, strong in contact and likes to offload. He had a run against Ospreys — only ten minutes — and he scored, so it’s great to see him in the team and I’m looking forward to playing with him.’

 ??  ?? Motivated: Jones
Motivated: Jones

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