Scottish Daily Mail

Did you pack your bag yourself ? Teenage boy is found in suitcase

- Mail Foreign Service

A TEENAGE migrant has been found hiding in a suitcase during an audacious attempt to smuggle him into Spain.

A Moroccan woman was arrested by the Spanish civil guard after the 19-year-old from the African state of Gabon was found curled up inside the bag.

She was trying to sneak him into Ceuta, a Spanish enclave next to Morocco. It is not clear how she was attempting to move the suitcase when she was caught.

It came a month after a four-week-old baby almost suffocated after being smuggled in a sports bag across the same border. The baby vomited over an officer when it was lifted out the bag, which had been sealed by a zip.

And in 2015 an eight-year-old boy, from Ivory Coast, was also smuggled into Ceuta inside a suitcase being carried by a 19-yearold woman. He was in a ‘terrible state’ when police opened the case.

Details of the latest suitcase incident emerged after 1,100 migrants tried to get through a high double fence between Morocco and Ceuta yesterday in ‘an extremely violent and organised’ way, Spanish officials said.

Five Spanish policemen and 50 members of the Moroccan forces were injured, including one who lost an eye. The group from subSaharan Africa stormed the border fence just after 4am. They tried ‘to force open some of the doors in the fence, using iron bars, wire cutters and large stones with which they assaulted Moroccan forces and Spanish police’. None, however, managed to get through apart from two who were badly injured and were taken to hospital in Ceuta.

A similar assault on December 9 saw more than 400 migrants enter the tiny enclave.

 ??  ?? Tight fit: The 19-year-old migrant had no room to move in the suitcase, above and left
Tight fit: The 19-year-old migrant had no room to move in the suitcase, above and left

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