Scottish Daily Mail

What 2017 means for your love life

A thrilling alignment between Jupiter and Uranus promises magic, reveals OSCAR CAINER in an unmissable series


The year ahead is coloured by the planets Jupiter and Uranus. Their dance through the sky weaves magic and adventure, exploratio­n and change. And, in our hearts, this gives us much to be glad about — and much to be aware of, too.

Although the coming 12 months may, at times, be something of a roller-coaster, there are thrills to be had along the way, highs to be enjoyed and, even for those of us who prefer a steadier form of transport, much to look forward to.

Jupiter and Uranus may not, on the surface of it, appear to be the planets we traditiona­lly associate with love. But that doesn’t mean this exciting partnershi­p can’t have a significan­t bearing on terrestria­l affairs of the heart.

Jupiter represents magic and adventure, optimism and positivity, generosity and fun.

Surely these are the qualities that are most likely to win over our hearts, and which form the basis of strong relationsh­ips?

Some people may be worried that Uranus’s influence could introduce a period of difficult change. You might also fear that the process of a breakthrou­gh year in our emotional lives may bring pain and sorrow.

Do not fear. Though your heart may swell, be surprised, or skip a beat, no matter how wild the ride, you’ll be glad that you took the plunge this year.

ARIES (March 21 — April 20)

IT’S said that, in this world, there are sheep and wolves: those who follow the herd, meekly accepting the status quo, and those who prey upon these unsuspecti­ng, docile creatures.

But there’s someone missing from this scenario. Consider the Ram, who represents your sign. he is an essential part of the flock. Yet he refuses to hide safely away, should a wolf begin to stalk.

Jupiter aligns with Uranus this year in a series of historic movements the like of which we haven’t felt in many years — since 1934. It all suggests that someone with immense positivity and an exciting presence will come into your life.

At first, this may be a shock to the system. When all you’re used to dealing with is sheep or wolves, it’s only natural to be suspicious of someone so radically new. You may even be tempted to check that there aren’t canine features hiding beneath woollen clothing!

But fear not. This year, there may be times when your heart is assailed and times when you must lead the charge.

But you needn’t lash out with fangs and claws. Be noble, be protective, but be bold in love. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

When we want to impress someone, especially if we are meeting them for the first time, we often focus on what we’re wearing.

humans, being visual creatures, are highly influenced by first impression­s, so the right outfit can make a real difference.

It then becomes a question of balance, of trying to strike an equilibriu­m between getting noticed and the ignominy of being labelled attention-seeking.

Often, a multi-coloured, bright, brash approach is overpoweri­ng. Sometimes, a splash of vivid colour upon a uniformly grey background is what’s required.

Jupiter’s adventurou­s, visionary spirit lines up opposite Uranus’s traditiona­l sense of individual­ity and rebellious­ness.

If this astrologic­al event were a clothes designer, they would be experiment­al, edgy and thoroughly modern.

Luckily for us, we aren’t required to dress as the planets see fit.

But perhaps we should still follow their influence when it comes to love. This year, the planets are giving your heart bold tones to choose from.

exploring a bolder, more positive and forward-thinking approach in your emotional life certainly wouldn’t ruin your style.

Just the right amount of creativity in your life can transform your emotional prospects. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22)

FeW people are as interestin­g and articulate as you. This makes you an important part of friendship circles. For not only are you interestin­g, you’re interested as well. You’re genuinely intrigued by the lives you’re a part of.

And you make as good a listener as you do a storytelle­r. But what does this all have to do with your emotional life? Jupiter, a planet all about humour, engagement and positivity, inhabits a part of the sky that, for you, represents creativity, self-expression and romance.

It brings with it opportunit­y and expansion, enjoyment and growth — and even a little wisdom along the way.

Somewhere, among the people you weave together with your social needle and thread, is a bond that transforms this year.

Yet the story it tells may not always be easy to understand.

You’ll have to listen hard and investigat­e thoroughly to reveal the true insights that this relationsh­ip can reveal to you.

But don’t ever lose hope. A surprising act of generosity, or a playful change in your thinking, may be all that’s required to deepen an important relationsh­ip. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER (June 23 — July 23)

IT SOmeTImeS feels like relationsh­ips are a game of chess. Just as in the rules of chess, in order to advance across the board we inevitably open gaps in our defences.

And sometimes, we have to sacrifice ourselves in order to make some important long-term, strategic gains.

This is all based on the premise that we must protect ourselves from a dangerous adversary.

And that, in order to succeed at the game of love, we must back someone into a corner until they’re forced to lay down their king.

As Jupiter and Uranus align, while linking with Pluto in your opposite sign, the feeling that you need to seize back control in your life may surface.

Like a pawn at the end of its run, you no longer need to move forward slowly and incrementa­lly, but can be reborn into the free-roaming, adventurou­s queen you’ve been secretly harbouring the desire, and capacity, to be.

Yet that doesn’t mean you need to turn the tables on someone and launch an attack.

This year, a move will be made that helps you to see that true power in relationsh­ips doesn’t necessaril­y come from manipulati­ng the board.

And, likewise, that a stalemate doesn’t have to feel stale.

If you can transform the way in which you view the game, you’ll see the position you need to take that will ensure both you — and a key person — can win. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO (July 24 — August 23)

SOmeTImeS, no matter how hard we may try to influence other people with our carefully chosen words, it’s impossible to get through to them.

It’s as if everything we say falls upon deaf ears, anything we write is misread by blurred eyes and anything we try to communicat­e is like tapping morse code on to someone’s arm.

You get the picture. But, at times like this, it’s not always the medium of the message that’s at fault.

Sometimes, it’s the fact that we’re trying to instruct, rather than inspire, that’s the problem.

There are things you don’t know, and will freely admit to being in the dark about, and there are principles in your life that feel unquestion­ably right.

If you truly wish to encourage other people to engage with your philosophy, then you should transform your life to embody the characteri­stics you want to see more of in the world.

You have the power to be the embodiment of charm, elegance and attractive­ness.

So become the shining light that you’ve always known you can be — you’ll attract the right person to bathe in your glow and add fuel to your fire. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO (August 24 — September 23)

TrUST is a small word with some very big connotatio­ns. It’s easy to say, but hard to do. yet, without it, we wouldn’t get very far.

The modern world is built on trust. We believe the scientists who say that a metal tin can is able to soar above the clouds and, if we get into one, we can visit far-flung lands.

We put our faith in doctors who tell us that, if we take certain little pills, we can end up living longer than ever.

of course, if someone breaks this trust, it isn’t just the betrayed who suffer. The betrayer usually suffers unwelcome consequenc­es, too.

you may be asked to place your heart in someone else’s hands this year, to wholeheart­edly invest your emotions in a mutually beneficial arrangemen­t.

It may be scary, but Pluto’s influence suggests that this process can be transforma­tive. Whoever you trust this year knows that it’s in their own best interests to see that their support is rewarded. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA (September 24 — October 23)

WE ALL want to be liked: it’s human nature. We are social creatures who seek at least some validation through the estimation of others, and it’s never nice to hear that somebody doesn’t like us.

Who in their right mind would have a bad word to say about you? I certainly don’t. But I’m a Libra, too, so if I didn’t like you, that would say more about me than it does you!

The same is true of anyone else who fails to be convinced by your charms. Being good-natured, kind and caring isn’t always enough to satisfy every troubled soul you’ll meet. It’s important to remember this in 2017.

And those who truly wish to see you rise to your highest potential, are unlikely to contort your growth into uncomforta­ble positions.

Life calls upon you to meet someone’s challenge this year.

yet, if you’re true to your roots throughout this transition, then your heart will only be gladdened by it. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO (October 24 — November 22)

No oNE does it quite like you. While others may attempt to emulate your distinctiv­e style, or to take their cues from your trendsetti­ng agenda, they’ll always be pale imitations; the instant dried coffee to your hand-picked South American bean.

However, 2017 represents a year of contrast for you. For part of it, you may wonder what it is that you’re preparing for. There will be times when it feels as if you’re just going through the motions.

But don’t let it fool you! The moment of high drama that you’ve been working up to isn’t some terrifying confrontat­ion.

It brings with it the opportunit­y to guide someone special towards you. It’s your individual­ity, your boldness, your willingnes­s to explore where others fear to tread that mark you out as special and make you such an enigma.

Finally, someone is brave enough to step out of the shadows and into your heart. All that preparatio­n is just to make you brave enough to let them. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S (November 23 — December 21)

ANyoNE who thinks they’ve seen it all really hasn’t spent enough time in your company. Even someone such as myself, who has been taught the way to divine the secrets of the planets, cannot help but look in wonder (and occasional incredulit­y!) at your capacity to confound any expectatio­ns.

In fact, the one thing that shouldn’t be surprising is your continual ability to surprise!

There are ways in which your tastes can evolve this year. your heart will find desires that it never knew existed.

A less adventurou­s heart may be shocked by such revelation­s, though there’s nothing to be fearful of.

In fact, the right person will understand completely. They’ll not only support your inclinatio­n for change and pastures new, but help you to journey to these strange, yet familiar, lands.

What you discover there may surprise even yourself! Just don’t be surprised if you end up delighted. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN (December 22 — January 20)

THEy say that people are often attracted to power. But how much power is attractive, and how much of it is off-putting?

Infallibil­ity can be a daunting prospect to connect to emotionall­y. There’s something, or someone, who has troubled you in the past. This year, you can finally let go of the worry they’ve brought, and be free of the limitation­s they’ve placed on you.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, growth and expansion, is sitting triumphant­ly in your solar house of ambition and long-term goals.

Its presence here suggests that, in 2017, there’s great success available. This means that, if anyone has the ability to be transforme­d by the positive impact of this astrologic­al phenomenon — it’s you!

But if you also want to be successful in love, then you must be willing to accept that you’re vulnerable as well.

Don’t be afraid to take a risk and let someone into your sanctuary this year. Their presence can make you more secure, not less. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS (January 21 — February 19)

yoU’rE perceptive and know just what you want. And, once homed in on your quarry, it rarely slips your sights.

But, just sometimes, when you’re working with faulty informatio­n, or a battle has moved on, you can find it difficult to let a target go, especially if it isn’t obvious where to shift your focus.

The year ahead has much to teach you. And there’ll be someone in your life who can show you how to widen your gaze.

Jupiter’s wise and encouragin­g presence is calling you to use Uranus’s revolution­ary energy to free your mind and awaken a new part of your consciousn­ess.

For someone who is so used to providing the answers for others, it may feel strange to be the one seeking them!

But all of our hearts have questions. If you’re willing to accept the role of pupil, rather than master, then you’ll learn to let go in a way that allows you to love more deeply this year.

Be open to this transforma­tion, and you’ll have feelings so powerful you’ll be blown away by their breadth and scope. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES (February 20 — March 20)

‘EvEry action has an equal and opposite reaction,’ said the great 17thcentur­y physicist Sir Isaac Newton.

He was talking about physical properties in a vacuum, but it could easily apply to how love can sometimes feel.

Jupiter, the traditiona­l ruler of your sign, is making powerful opposition­s with Uranus this year.

This exciting opposition is encouragin­g you to experiment: to seek wisdom beyond what’s already known and discover the secrets of your inner universe.

But does love exist in a chemical, a physical or a theoretica­l state?

Should you be stuck in a lab, out in the field, or quietly reflecting in your study in order to make this emotional breakthrou­gh?

The truth is, it can be found anywhere and everywhere.

In 2017, to truly take advantage of the opportunit­ies that your relationsh­ips give you, you may have to consider changing what it is you’re willing to put into them.

relationsh­ips aren’t vacuums — far from it! They’re fulfilling, lifegiving and essential to our ongoing happiness. It’s precisely because someone is physically there, occupying the space in our hearts, that reactions to our actions don’t always follow the standard model.

So, here’s a prediction: if you wish to deepen a bond this year, you must invest heart and soul in it.

Believe in someone, and show them that you have faith in them.

Then you just might get the reaction you’re hoping for. There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5612.

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