Scottish Daily Mail

Sturgeon: I’ll give MSPs vote on triggering Brexit

- By Rachel Watson Deputy Scottish Political Editor

NICOLA Sturgeon has vowed to give the Scottish parliament a chance to vote on the triggering of Article 50 – even if the Supreme Court rules against it.

The First Minister said that ‘no matter what the court decides’ in its ruling today, she will allow MSPs to have their say on the move which will officially begin the Brexit process.

Last year, the UK Government launched an appeal at the Supreme Court after a judge ruled Prime Minister Theresa May must seek and gain Parliament’s approval before the country leaves the EU.

The Scottish Government’s leading lawyer, the Lord Advocate, argued at the December hearing that the Scottish parliament must also give consent before Article 50 is triggered, as it will change the devolved settlement.

While the Supreme Court judges will issue their ruling today, Mrs May has already revealed that both the Commons and the Lords will get a chance to vote before Brexit.

But today’s ruling, expected at 9.30am, will reveal whether the Prime Minister must also consult the devolved government­s of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Miss Sturgeon believes a Legislativ­e Consent Motion is needed before Article 50 is triggered. This is a motion passed by MSPs which agrees that the UK Government may pass legislatio­n which affects devolved issues.

But experts believe the Supreme Court is not likely to rule in Miss Sturgeon’s favour. Yesterday, Michael Keating, Professor of Scottish Politics at Aberdeen University, said ‘it is unlikely’ the court will grant a vote to Holyrood.

But Miss Sturgeon has claimed that even if judges do not believe MSPs should get a vote, they will.

Writing in a newspaper yesterday, she said: ‘No matter what the court decides, I want to make this crystal clear – I intend to make sure Holyrood has the chance to vote on the question of triggering Article 50.

‘If the UK Government doesn’t start showing Scotland some respect, I’ll make sure people across Scotland have the chance to choose our own future before the Tories drag us off an economic cliff edge.’

Mrs May has set out proposals for Brexit which will see the UK leaving the single market – a move Miss Sturgeon has warned ‘undoubtedl­y’ makes a second independen­ce referendum more likely.

The Scottish Government has put forward proposals for a differenti­ated deal that would allow Scotland to stay in the single market while the rest of the UK leaves. But UK ministers and experts have said this is unlikely due to the complexity of such a deal.

Scottish Tory constituti­on spokesman Adam Tomkins said: ‘It is clear that the greatest threat to economic growth in Scotland now is not Brexit, but the First Minister’s ongoing sabre-rattling about a second independen­ce referendum which a large majority of Scots clearly do not want.

‘This is yet more evidence of her using Brexit purely to move her separation goals forward.

‘Since June, the SNP have been scaremonge­ring about losing workers’ rights. But last week the Prime Minister reconfirme­d that protection and enhancemen­t of workers’ rights would be enshrined in UK legislatio­n following Brexit.’

Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said his party would vote against triggering Article 50 if Holyrood does get a say.

He added: ‘Liberal Democrats will vote against the triggering of Article 50 in Parliament unless there is a Brexit deal referendum that gives the British public a say on the terms of Brexit.

‘The First Minister believes the answer to the reckless nationalis­m of the Tories is the reckless nationalis­m of independen­ce, which will only compound the chaos of Brexit further.’

‘Ongoing sabre-rattling’

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