Scottish Daily Mail



take our quick test to discover how you respond to stress — and whether stress might be ageing you. FIRST, think of an ongoing situation that bothers you a lot. (If you can’t think of a current situation, think of your most recent difficult problem.)

Circle your numerical response to each question, using the sliding scale for how much the answer matches your feelings.

1 WHEN you think about dealing with this situation, how much do you feel hope and confidence vs feelings of fear and anxiety? Overwhelmi­ngly hopeful and confident — 0 Same amount of each —1, 2, 3 Overwhelmi­ngly fearful and anxious — 4

2 DO YOU have what it takes to cope with this situation? No, not at all — 4 Sometimes yes, sometimes no —3, 2, 1 Yes, absolutely — 0

3 HOW much are you caught up in repetitive thoughts? Not at all — 0 Somewhat caught up —1, 2, 3 Extremely caught up — 4

4 HOW much do you avoid thinking about this difficult situation or try not to express negative emotions? Not at all — 0 Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t —1, 2, 3 Yes, I really try to do so — 4

5 HOW much does this particular situation make you feel bad about yourself? Not at all — 0 Somewhat bad —1, 2, 3 Extremely bad — 4

6 HOW much do you think about this situation in a positive way, seeing some good could come from it or telling yourself comforting or helpful things, such as that you are doing the best you can? Not at all — 4 Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t —3, 2, 1 I often or always do so — 0 NOW add up your score for all six questions.

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