Scottish Daily Mail

A question of truth


ONCE again Nicola Sturgeon gets away with an outright falsehood at First Minister’s Questions.

It is simply not the case that 62 per cent of Scots voted Remain. Only 62 per cent of a very low turnout voted to stay in the European union.

If Presiding Officer Ken Macintosh was worth his outrageous salary, he would have Miss Sturgeon back next week to clarify the figures and have her apologise for a cynical bid to mislead both the parliament and the wider Scottish people.

N. GRAY, via email.

HAVING had the benefit of a good Scottish education when it was good and not the joke it has become under the SNP, I understand simple maths – unlike Nicola Sturgeon.

So 67.2 per cent of the eligible electorate voted in the European referendum. Her 62 per cent of this for Remain gives her 41.66 per cent of those eligible to vote.

This means 58.34 per cent of the electorate either said Leave or did not vote – hardly a figure that allows her to claim she speaks ‘for the whole of Scotland’. P. MARTIN, via email.

ONCE again Graham Grant (Mail) exposes the myth that the SNP speaks for ‘the people of Scotland’.

It speaks for its narrow band of supporters and, while the electoral system has made it the largest party at Holyrood, a better picture of its true support would be the independen­ce referendum vote — 55 per cent against.

Nicola Sturgeon seems unable to differenti­ate between being the First Minister, a position that truly is meant to be for all of Scotland, and being a partisan SNP leader.

R. KAVANAGH, edinburgh.

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