Scottish Daily Mail

Should we have controls on the ‘Lycra louts’?


TO make it safer for both pedestrian­s and cyclists on Britain’s roads, (Mail), I would ideally like the powers that be to make it compulsory for all cycles to be fitted with wing mirrors, registrati­on plates and perhaps even a suitable audible warning device. On top of that, all cyclists should be expected to ride in single file whenever they are on country roads and they should take out comprehens­ive insurance.

B. HEATHCOTE, Oldham, Lancs. I THINK Brendan O’Neill (Mail) must envy us cyclists our healthy lifestyles – otherwise why would he get so hot under the collar about cyclists’ behaviour? In fact, I cycle because I get a sense of wellbeing from the exercise. I stick rigidly to the few cycle lanes – if there are no cars parked on them, which there usually are.

JANE ANDERSON, Ayr. ACCUSATION­S against cyclists (Mail) are extremely unfair. I have been a cyclist for more than 40 years, averaging 100 miles per week, and I dare not cycle irresponsi­bly as the risks are too great. I have been hit and injured three times by cars. My best friend was badly injured by a hit-and-run driver, while three other acquaintan­ces have been killed by cars. There are more than 100 cyclists killed on Britain’s roads every year. My friends and I cycle simply for enjoyment, fitness and convenienc­e, not for ‘moral superiorit­y’ over the polluting motorist. More than 80 per cent of all cyclists are also motorists. Cyclists do not pay road tax but this is levied according to pollution. Most of my friends are covered by insurance through organisati­ons such as the Cyclists Touring Club. I know there are irresponsi­ble cyclists on the roads, but an irresponsi­ble motorist is much more likely to kill.

TONY HUMBLE, address supplied.

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