Scottish Daily Mail

Playboy who blew £17m of investors’ cash on app that never made a penny


HE playboy founder of a photo messaging app burned through £17m of investors’ cash before his company went bust without making a penny.

Marco Nardone, the son of a millionair­e wine importer, was the chief executive of London-based Fling – a mobile phone app which let users send photos to strangers who could then reply.

It raised cash through a former Goldman Sachs banker, and at its height it claimed to have 4m users who sent 50bn messages. Yet it never made any revenue and was slammed as a playground for men to harass women with nude photos.

A report in Business Insider magazine alleged that as the company died, Nardone, 28, splashed out on holidays to Ibiza, dined in Michelin-starred restaurant­s and lived in a riverside penthouse in London. He is also claimed to have at one point hurled a baguette when his 81year-old father stepped in to stop an argument with an employee.

The app closed last year and has since collapsed into administra­tion, leaving a mountain of debt. As well as investors being left out of pocket, it owes other creditors £880,997, including £120,268 to Twitter, more than £45,000 to Google and £95,000 to the taxman.

Fling’s failure had all the ingredient­s of an overvalued technology firm with an inexperien­ced founder.

While Fling was haemorrhag­ing cash, Nardone is claimed to have been dining in exclusive London restaurant­s such as Nobu and flying first class.

He is described as ambitious, with the ability to charm investors.

Former employees told Business Insider that Nardone appeared topless in the firm’s river-view office in Hammersmit­h, and held wild party weekends. He also failed to employ a finance director or keep an eye on cash flows.

One former employee said: ‘He controlled everything financiall­y. It was a black hole. No one had sight of what was in the accounts. He would just spend how he felt like he was going to spend. He had no idea what a budget was.’

Another left a comment on company review website Glassdoor which branded Nardone ‘amateurish, immature, chaotic, rude, disrespect­ful and petty’.

They added: ‘He is everything a successful entreprene­ur should not be. He would come to the office around 4pm and make the management team stay until the early hours or overnight without a particular reason, just queuing to have a meeting with him.’

NArdONE claimed to be a successful tech entreprene­ur. He was a public schoolboy backed by his family and just 23 when he was handed £1.5m by his tycoon father remo – the owner of Enotria Winecellar­s – to develop the app which Nardone had dreamed up while on a flight.

It followed an education at £37,000-a-year Charterhou­se school before a degree in physics at Imperial College London.

After a year as a trader at Credit Suisse following university, Nardone decided to launch his own business. He saw himself as a rival to Evan Spiegel, the US founder of photo-messaging app Snapchat.

Equipping himself with expensive offices in London’s Hammersmit­h was part of this. Nardone furnished his own office with two iMac computers, luxurious rugs and customised wood flooring.

Millions of pounds were raised for the business by ex-Goldman Sachs banker raffaele Costa.

Nardone claimed Fling was an app which ‘breaks the social graph’, allowing strangers to connect with people outside their social circle.

The idea was that users would ‘fling’ a picture message of themselves to users. But it was quickly overrun with users who sent nudes and Nardone hired a team in the Philippine­s to vet photos.

However, workers said it was biased, and kicked off men while allowing women to post explicit pictures. A spokesman for Nardone claims that the workers failed to moderate photos properly.

One former employee said: ‘They couldn’t even have a photograph with their shirt off. Unless it was him. He would then boost himself to everybody on the database.

‘Guys were getting booted off the app as soon as they approached it while girls were getting absolutely trolled as soon as they were on it. It was just a spiral.’

Apple, which offered the app in its store, caught on and Fling was flung out with no warning. It left Nardone furious and demanding the 50 staff work through the night to fix the problem.

One employee said: ‘He came into the office around midnight, with two girls I’d never met before in my life. And he basically frolicked, for want of a better word, with these girls in that room, sending out Flings of the two girls kissing.’ Nardone denies these claims. Staff are said to have worked for 19 days to build a new version of the app. It is claimed he even tried to put tents up in the office so they could work longer hours.

A spokesman for Nardone said that highly paid employees were asked to have constant attendance to resolve specific issues.

Staff accused him of treating them badly and that’s when his father stepped in, prompting the sandwich-throwing incident.

‘Marco was going crazy at the board meeting and his dad chipped in and told him to calm down,’ a source said. ‘Marco just threw the baguette. It collided with the window and slid down, leaving a massive smear.’

Shortly after, workers started to leave. His chief operating officer, Emerson Osmond, left in August 2015 and others followed. Customers were also deserting the app.

After it cleaned up its act, Fling struggled to keep users. Most people downloaded the app for about 30 days before deleting it.

Nardone was desperatel­y trying to hold on to users by pumping thousands of pounds a day into Facebook advertisin­g and Twitter.

But as the cash dwindled, Nardone scrapped the moderators in the Philippine­s – and users began posting explicit messages again. The app then quietly shut down. Nardone denied he had treated staff badly and blamed Apple for his firm’s failure. He didn’t respond to other allegation­s.

A spokesman for Nardone said: ‘The idea that he had no idea about money is laughable. He studied finance and previously worked in the financial sector.’

 ??  ?? The high life: Marco Nardone, above, with his girlfriend, top right, and father Remo, bottom right
The high life: Marco Nardone, above, with his girlfriend, top right, and father Remo, bottom right

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