Scottish Daily Mail

Have we hit peak tweet?

- Hamish McRae

THE Twitter story has three elements. It is a story of a dream. It is a story of a business. And it is a story of the future of social media – that great phenomenon of the way we live now.

The dream is quite well known. Friends who had developed some communicat­ions software found the bar they had planned to meet in was a bit crowded.

So one used the software to send out a message that they should meet somewhere quieter. By the time they got to the other bar there was a crowd round the block.

I was told the story by Biz Stone, one of the co-founders and, incidental­ly, one of the nicest people in that whole high-tech community. He said that was the moment they knew they were on to something big. That dream turned, in under ten years, into a business with 319m people logging in each month and the United States president its most vigorous tweeter, if not its most popular one. That accolade apparently is bestowed on pop star Katy Perry, with more than 95m followers.

Twitter sprang from the tiny start-up in 2006 to a public launch in 2013, and peak valuation of more than £32bn in 2014.

But since then, while hugely successful in any rational sense, it has not turned into quite the giant people hoped. It is still worth around £9.6bn, but even ahead of yesterday’s share slide it was not important enough for its chief executive, Jack Dorsey, to be invited to that famous summit in Trump Tower between America’s high-tech leaders and the soon-to-be inaugurate­d president.

The question now is whether it can somehow turn its platform and subscriber base into serious money. So far it has essentiall­y failed to do so, despite its foray into video.

It is clearly wonderful for noisy self-publicists, but less good for silent, anonymous shareholde­rs. But for most of us it is the place of Twitter in the world of social media that is most fascinatin­g. A clever platform, such as Twitter, or more recently WhatsApp or Snapchat, can gain huge traction.

But there is a limited factor to demand, and that is people’s time. Around 250bn – yes, billion – mobile apps were downloaded last year, and there are only 7bn people in the world. At some stage the world reaches peak app. At some stage we simply won’t want to communicat­e more. There will be a plateau.

That plateau may be five or ten years away, or we may hit it this year. We cannot know.

But remember that the magic moment for Twitter was a group of friends gathering in a bar – and deciding to go to another one.

Glass ceiling breakthrou­gh

A WELCOME change at the Bank of England, for making Charlotte Hogg a deputy governor as well as chief operating officer sets her even more clearly on the path to becoming the next governor when Mark Carney heads back to Canada.

Janet Yellen at the Fed has broken through that particular glass ceiling but it would be good for the world to have a more even gender balance in central banking. In any case, Charlotte Hogg is apparently very good.

There should be more of a concern as to who should replace Kristin Forbes on the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). Being an independen­t member is not as attractive a propositio­n as it used to be.

Economists were plucked, usually from universiti­es, and given a real job to do. Most behaved well, but a few used the post to grandstand, speaking disparagin­gly about policy in general and sometimes, I’m afraid, their colleagues in particular.

But decisions about monetary policy mattered in the run-up to the banking crisis, even if, with hindsight, those decisions don’t look too good now.

Since the crash, however, monetary policy has been more a technical question of how to spray cash around the system rather than a policy one. The independen­t members of the MPC have had nothing much to do. This will change. As it changes and monetary policy becomes active again, as is happening in the US, we need independen­t minds. We need judgment. Kristin Forbes had that.

The Bank’s self-confidence will have been shaken by its call over the economic impact of Brexit. The clever people were wildly wrong. It now needs gracious, intelligen­t dissent on the MPC to fight against groupthink. Let’s hope her successor can bring it.

Taking the long view

YOU might think it a statement of the bleedin’ obvious, but it is a useful one. A study by the McKinsey Global Institute shows how companies that take a long-term view outperform the short-termist ones. The longterm group grow faster, invest more, add more jobs and make more profits.

Common sense. Now to find out how to give incentives for chief executives to play the long game and not puff up the share price so they get a bigger bonus – and bunk out before things go belly up.

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