Scottish Daily Mail

The one lesson I’ve learned from life

First Dates’ Fred Sirieix

- n First Dates the Album box set by various artists, £9.99, is out now. LORRAINE FISHER

FreD sirieix, 45, is the maitre d’ on Channel 4’s hugely successful First Dates programme. Born in Limoges, France, he lives in south London and has two children.


GrowinG up, i always noticed how kind my parents were. They were hospital nurses and talk at the dinner table would be about patients, their care and how the families were coping.

My mother, Francoise, would take in cake and buy patients little things because she believed human interactio­n was important.

Similarly, our house was always full because Mum and Dad were so hospitable — they would invite people round for meals, even if it wasn’t reciprocat­ed. That didn’t matter to them as they would drop everything to help people.

recently, when he heard that a bakery in town was about to close, my father, Claude, organised a fundraiser that made almost £20,000 to help keep it open. From a young age, i learned there’s nothing more important than to be kind. if we all took this attitude, we’d be living in a nicer world without wars or jealousy because with kindness you have no conflict.

That doesn’t mean you should let people walk all over you. You can still argue with someone, but do so respectful­ly and by taking their side to heart.

And accept that sometimes you’ll fail — we are human, after all — but don’t use that as an excuse not to be compassion­ate. That’s pathetic.

Kindness helps every aspect of your life — even romance. i know from First Dates that if someone smiles and makes warm eye contact with their date, the other person is thinking: ‘wow, they’re nice.’ Yet all they did was smile.

in relationsh­ips and friendship­s, being kind to someone makes them more attentive to you and more likely to do something in return.

Yes, you could be taken advantage of — i have been, many times — but i’d rather that than take advantage of someone myself. it’s not going to stop me being who i am.

instead i try to improve every day. it’s about repetition because then it will become a habit.

The more you practise, the kinder you become and it rubs off on to those people around you. You can’t be unkind to someone who is kind. it’s impossible.

But best of all, it doesn’t cost anything.

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