Scottish Daily Mail


- Gill Hornby

THE bestsellin­g author suggests key novels to help you through the trickier times in life. BACK in the dark ages (1984), I went with a date to see that movie in which Tom Hanks falls in love with a mermaid. My brother and I had already seen it and, as is our wont, formed very firm views. It was decided that if this new bloke of mine didn’t love it, I must chuck him.

It became known as The Splash Test and made the evening quite a big deal. Would he laugh, would he cry, would I ever see him again? Well, yes. I took the precaution of letting him know what was at stake and, lo, he said all the right stuff.

Now, with the hindsight of 28 years of marriage, I can see that mermaid romance is not really his thing, but I can also see he was even then a sensible chap. Dating is a minefield. You’ve got to go carefully out there.

As Graham, in Kingsley Amis’s Take A Girl Like You, finds out. Like the rest of his sex-mad suburb of Fifties London, he’s in love with innocent Jenny Bunn. He asks her out and is hoping to score.

But then he orders the spaghetti, ‘sucking furiously at any strands found to be left hanging from his mouth... veining his cheeks and chins with tomato sauce.’ He still tries to get his way with her, but no use. He’d lost her at the main course.

For the poor heroine of Bilgewater, the charming coming-of-age novel by Jane Gardam, every romantic opportunit­y ends in disappoint­ment. But then her nickname is Bilgewater, for whom everything always goes wrong.

The plain, motherless, badly dressed daughter of a teacher in a boys’ public school, she is surrounded by God-like creatures who don’t even notice her.

And then Jack Rose, the hero of the sports teams, asks her home for the weekend and she thinks her luck has changed. It hasn’t, of course.

The whole thing is a disaster. She is beside herself, little knowing that while she’s chasing Mr Wrong, Mr — or in this case Master — Right is there all the time, waiting and watching in the wings.

In Carol Shields’s The Republic Of Love, Fay is a 35-year-old folklorist who has given up on men and instead obsessivel­y studies mermaids. But then she meets Tom, a man of such optimism he’s been married three times, and unlikely passion strikes. The ensuing saga of their dating is not just a classic rom-com, but a spirited defence of the whole genre.

Romance is important, Shields is saying. It alters lives. And she gives us a novel to fall in love with. If you’re on your own tomorrow night, just curl up with this one. It’s the perfect Valentine.

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