Scottish Daily Mail his old pals meet up at a posh eaterie

- By Claire Duffin

IT wasn’t that long ago that as prime minister and deputy, they were running the country together. What a difference two years makes.

As Philip Hammond was due to deliver his Budget yesterday, David Cameron and Nick Clegg were enjoying a more leisurely morning.

The two men breakfaste­d together at the Ivy Brasserie in Kensington, West London, before a tanned Mr Cameron dashed off to play tennis.

The former party leaders now have more time on their hands: Mr Cameron resigned as an MP after stepping down as Tory leader and is focusing on the lucrative speaking circuit, while Lib Dem Mr Clegg is using much of his time to call for a second referendum on Brexit.

Mr Cameron, in jeans and a suede bomber jacket, lounged in a corner booth, sipping an espresso. Mr Clegg was slightly smarter in a suit but without a tie.

A diner said they overheard one of them saying ‘it was a good Government’ – presumably a reference to the one they ran until 2015.

Mr Cameron picked up the bill and they left soon afterwards, stopping to shake hands before parting.

What do you think the two were discussing? If you can think of an amusing caption, email your idea to cameronand­ or write to: Cameron and Clegg Competitio­n, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT. Entries must be received by Thursday, March 16. The writer of the caption judged the best will win £100.

 ??  ?? What they might have said: Nick Clegg and David Cameron outside the Ivy yesterday So, Dave, did you give the waiter a tip? Yes... don’t hold a referendum you can’t win
What they might have said: Nick Clegg and David Cameron outside the Ivy yesterday So, Dave, did you give the waiter a tip? Yes... don’t hold a referendum you can’t win

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