Scottish Daily Mail

If the SNP won the lottery, they’d complain about cost of the ticket

- By Stephen Daisley

WHAT would you do with £350million? Pay off the mortgage? Go on a world cruise? Buy Greece? The possibilit­ies are limitless. Unless, of course, you are the SNP.

The Nationalis­ts are positively glum about the Chancellor’s announceme­nt in the Budget that Scotland will get an extra £350million from the Treasury. The Barnett Formula, the Union dividend that gives Scotland higher public spending per head than England and Wales, means rises in expenditur­e at Westminste­r boost the coffers of the Scottish Government too.

If you reckon that represents a good deal for Scotland, that no reasonable person could turn their nose up at hundreds of millions, you’ve never met a Scottish Nationalis­t. When Philip Hammond unveiled Scotland’s windfall in the Commons yesterday, he slyly allowed himself a pause, knowing the tartan grievance junkies across the floor would sooner chew on a thistle than acknowledg­e a Tory Chancellor doing well by Scotland.

Mr Hammond gestured to the Nationalis­t benches, grinning with cheery malice as the TV cameras followed his stage direction. There sat 54 sullen Nationalis­ts, seething at their good fortune. A prime opportunit­y for kindling resentment wasted; talking points about wicked Westminste­r doing Scotland down would have to be shredded.

Twitter, the 21st century steamie where Nats go to girn, was soon fizzing with outrage. ‘The Chancellor there, describing additional Barnett consequent­ials coming to Scotland like he’s dishing out sweeties to kids,’ huffed Gavin Newlands, MP for Paisley and Renfrewshi­re North.

‘Barnett consequent­ials are a drop in the ocean against a decade of austerity with more cuts to come,’ snipped Liz Lloyd, Nicola Sturgeon’s chief of staff.

‘English Tory MPs baying at the SNP that Scotland is getting “our money”. Not sure that is how people in Scotland will see it,’ stirred Angus Robertson, the Nats’ chief rouser of rabbles in SW1.

This, remember, was all because the UK Government wants to hand the Nationalis­t regime at Holyrood one-third of a billion pounds. Only the SNP could win the lottery and complain about the cost of the phone call to Camelot.

Instead of smoulderin­g over absent oppression, the Nationalis­ts could find something positive to do with this bump to their bottom line. The Scottish Government could use it to reverse its cuts to council funding or to invest in education to counteract negative indicators on literacy, numeracy and the attainment gap.

Or it could wake up to the damage its taxation policies are doing to the Scottish economy and act before it is too late. The Scottish Government’s own Budget, set last month, slugged Scots who pay the higher rate of income tax. As part of a deal struck with the Scottish Greens, Finance Secretary Derek Mackay agreed to freeze the threshold at which the 40p rate comes into effect at £43,000.


The SNP had previously said it would increase the qualifying level by inflation to ease the squeeze on the aspiration­al. His U-turn meant Mr Mackay got the votes to pass his Budget – and Patrick Harvie could pretend to have influence over Nicola Sturgeon’s administra­tion.

But it was Scots families who got the sharp end of the deal. Almost 400,000 taxpayers will have their pockets picked of an additional £400, putting £29million into the piggy bank at St Andrew’s House in its first year.

Yesterday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer confirmed the UK Government would be raising the threshold to £45,000 south of the Border, making Scotland the highest taxed area of the country. Mr Mackay could dip into his new £350million kitty to undo his ill-considered tax grab and close the gap between Scotland and the rest of the UK.

The Greens would not like it, but let them scowl into their organic yoghurt. Scotland’s prosperity matters more than the feelings of Mr Harvie and his economic obscuranti­sts.

By allowing Scotland to become the most taxpayerun­friendly part of the UK, the SNP does great harm to the economy. It hangs a giant ‘Closed’ sign at Gretna, warning the skilled and the entreprene­urial to stay away unless they want their wallets lightened by a government with no experience of managing a tax system and no understand­ing of the daily struggle of families trying to get by.

Whether it’s extra powers or extra money, the SNP always prefers acrimony to action. It demands more autonomy but refuses to do anything with it. How much easier it is to stoke division about the concentrat­ion of wealth in London than it is to pursue policies that would grow Scotland’s wealth and build an economy that is competitiv­e.

Of course, the Nats would be loath to relinquish another pretext for grumbling but, more than that, it would require a ministeria­l team up to the job. Other than Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing, a rare member of Miss Sturgeon’s ministry with a sound grasp of economics, Scotland’s wealth creators find themselves without a champion in Edinburgh.

Derek Mackay has been promoted in Nationalis­t circles as the prince across the water, the next-in-line for the separatist crown once Miss Sturgeon’s time is up. These prediction­s carried the plausibili­ty of an impressive record: Mr Mackay had been a forwardthi­nking leader of Renfrewshi­re Council and knuckled down to the Holyrood transport brief, surviving the Forth Road Bridge row with a mix of tenacity and luck.

But since his promotion to Finance Secretary, he has failed to live up to early promise. His humiliatin­g climbdown over business rates – after insisting he had done everything he could, his mentor Alex Salmond delivered a clip round the ear by backing calls for action – severely damaged his credibilit­y.

But to pile the blame on Mr Mackay is to let his predecesso­r off the hook. John Swinney performed so many Uturns it’s a wonder the wheels are still on the economy.

Plans to scrap council tax were dropped and its replacemen­t, a local income tax, was quietly shelved. A 50p tax rate was backed in one election and backtracke­d in the next. The land and buildings transactio­n tax was sent back to the drawing board after the UK Government made its own changes to stamp duty.


All government­s can be incompeten­t. Incompeten­ce, in small doses, can be forgiven. Cluelessne­ss is a different matter. It is inherent and can’t be corrected by changing a policy or adopting a new strategy. A government that is clueless may be in power, but it is not fit to govern.

The bold 54 didn’t just sit on their hands yesterday because cheering a Tory Chancellor would have stuck in their craw. They were frozen in stupor because they have no grasp of what our economy needs or what it could be.

The SNP has spent more than 80 years agitating for Scotland to run its own affairs. Now that it does, to the greatest extent possible without secession from the UK, it is becoming more and more obvious it has neither the ideas nor the ministeria­l talent to take Scotland forward.

These are Nationalis­ts without a vision for the nation; Potemkin patriots who, to borrow from their literary lodestar, ‘canna learn, sae canna move/ But stick for aye to their auld groove.’

What a dismal sight. The party sworn to ‘stand up for Scotland’ so stuck in its auld groove that it greets a bounty as a burden.

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