Scottish Daily Mail


Hi OSCAR, I really appreciate your astrologic­al advice. I read the news, which is so often depressing, and then walk through my day feeling fearful. I find that my horoscope has the power to offer hope when I’ve sunk to a new low, or messed something up.


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

IMAGINE you’re hungry, but don’t want any old food, you want the finest meal any chef could prepare. So you set off on a quest to find the greatest cuisine. The problem is that it takes so long, you run out of energy. You’re too hungry to look any more! Yet surprising­ly, the sustenance you settle for could prove the most delicious you’ve ever tasted. As Mars leaves your sign, the intensity of your appetite will supply the sense of appreciati­on you have been seeking. Keep that in mind this weekend. As the Moon grows full, your life can transform for the better. For your LATEST Moon-sign forecast call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

AS A child, I wanted to be a volcanolog­ist. I’ve always been drawn to beautiful, yet deadly mountains. The more I learnt about them, the more intrigued I became. I find it extraordin­ary that soil on their flanks is among the most fertile on Earth, yet, at any instant, the volcano might snuff out the life it supports. In the end, a more spiritual study became my focus. But that combinatio­n of danger, beauty and energy remains fascinatin­g. Your life is about to get more volcanic. Try to use this energy to encourage growth. How will this weekend’s inspiring Full Moon change your life? Call your spookily accurate prediction: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

YOU may be beginning to suspect life is full of annoying people saying annoying things. At the risk of proving this theory, I must tell you that your difficulty can’t be easily resolved. Or rather it can, but only if you first go through a little more frustratio­n. There. I knew that would annoy you! As your rulers link to Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn this weekend, try not to be too mad at me, or anyone else, including yourself. The more you resist annoyance, the more you’re likely to find a smooth path to progress. As the Moon grows full, your life can transform for the better. For your LATEST Moon-sign forecast call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THIS week, I filled your forecasts with references to medicine and remedies. Actually I try to steer away from making prediction­s about people’s health. What I’ve tried to do is help you see the benefits of being open-minded when looking at a problem that feels chronic. You can deal with this in a traditiona­l way, or take an alternativ­e approach. Someone has

informatio­n which can transform your viewpoint. Give them the chance to explain,

and you’ll feel happier and healthier! How will this weekend’s inspiring Full Moon change your life? Call your spookily accurate prediction: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

APPEARANCE­S can be deceptive. Yet we live in a world where they appear count for everything. We often believe what we can see is all there is. We’re usually surprised when we go below the surface. It would be convenient if you took, at face value, what’s being presented to you now. Or at least, it would be in the short term. Long term, it may be unwise. As your ruler links to Pluto, you’re being shown the tip of an iceberg. Take notice of it, but the rest of what’s happening must also be recognised.

As the Moon grows full, your life can transform for the better. For your LATEST Moon-sign forecast call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

THE coming Full Moon in your sign happens but once a year. Well, that’s not quite true — occasional­ly they happen twice, in what’s known as a Blue Moon. But we usually assume that, for Virgoans, a Full Moon is a yearly event. And annual events, like birthdays, should be celebrated. That said, the Full Moon in your sign is less like a birthday, more like a graduation. It represents a moment when you can fulfil the promise you’ve shown. Where can you start to realise your potential? Don’t hold back — move on up! How will this weekend’s inspiring Full Moon change your life? Call your spookily accurate prediction: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

WHO are you? Let’s take that question to a deeper level. Underneath all you define yourself through and with, all that connects you to your family, lifestyle, culture... who are you? What are you made of? When you see yourself in the mirror, who looks back at you? There’s an inner ‘silent witness’ to your life and this aspect of yourself now has something to say! With Venus retrograde, and the effects of Pluto, a moment of awakening is coming that could help shape a part of the next phase of your life.

As the Moon grows full, your life can transform for the better. For your LATEST Moon-sign forecast call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

A FRIEND of mine recently went to Finland. He’s a wild-swimming enthusiast, so it was no surprise to see a video of him leaping into a hole, cut through three inches of ice, into a lake. He explained that the water was just deep enough to tread water in — and this is a traditiona­l method of muscle therapy. He had enjoyed a hot sauna just before his wintry dip. He said it left him feeling euphoric. All week, in one way or another, I’ve been encouragin­g you to relax. But soon it will be time to take the plunge! How will this weekend’s inspiring Full Moon change your life? Call your spookily accurate prediction: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

‘THAT was then, this is now.’ Now repeat this to yourself. And these words will always be true. In the time it takes you to utter the phrase, the ‘now’ will become a ‘then’. And so on. Or you can choose a simpler route to enlightene­d understand­ing — just forget everything that’s boggling your brain and follow the beckoning finger of an exciting invitation. Although Mercury’s link to Jupiter isn’t a comfortabl­e one, the coming Full Moon suggests it’s time to put the past behind you. As the Moon grows full, your life can transform for the better. For your LATEST Moon-sign forecast call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IN SPORT, great competitio­ns are often held annually. Every year, teams and individual­s vie to be called champion. But the accolade lasts for twelve months, at best. Life’s about to offer you the chance to complete a journey you’ve been on for a while… one that has brought you considerab­le success. If you can recognise and accept that the wheel of life always turns, then keep moving with the flow, you’ll have the tools you need to begin a new quest with the confidence of a winner. How will this weekend’s inspiring Full Moon change your life? Call your spookily accurate prediction: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

FINDING fault is like killing pheasants. It’s not difficult! These birds have an amazing propensity to put themselves in harm’s way. It takes more skill not to hurt a pheasant, especially if you happen to be driving down a lane in peak breeding season. Faults are all too easy to find. It’s far more rewarding to hunt down things that are truly worthy of praise. There’s nothing especially clever about criticism. Don’t give it and don’t accept it today. Let the coming Full Moon help you rise above all that. As the Moon grows full, your life can transform for the better. For your LATEST Moon-sign forecast call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

YOU’LL be pleased to know that the generation of this forecast was carbon neutral. And you’ll also be pleased that no animals were harmed in creating your prediction. Actually, that’s not quite true. One animal, my cat, had his feelings hurt when I decided to write for Pisces instead of trailing a string around. Actually, even if you’re reading this online, the likelihood is that there’s a piece of coal involved in the energy that lets you do so. Today, you can make a positive change, or stick with compromise. The choice is yours! How will this weekend’s inspiring Full Moon change your life? Call your spookily accurate prediction: 0906 751 5612.

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