Scottish Daily Mail



What a relief my age wasn’t an issue we laughed all night I tend to go for women in their 40s but Diana was lovely

Who says love is just for the young? This column is for those who are venturing back to dating in midlife, and need advice and the reassuranc­e they are not alone.

Every week we send a couple out on a blind date and ask them to report back. We also throw in advice to help anyone else who is looking for love.

This week, Diana Todd and humphrey Lee had a meal at Positano in Guildford, Surrey. Diana has been single for 11 years and lives in Winchester, hampshire. She has been married and divorced twice, and has three grown-up daughters. She works as a secretary in a school music department.

humphrey, from Reigate in Surrey, runs his own business. The three-times divorced 59-year-old has been single for a year.


AfTER so many years on my own, the idea of dating again was scary. I haven’t been on a date in five years and if we discount one or two disasters, it’s actually closer to 11!

I’ve dabbled with computer dating but men my age seem to be attracted to younger women, which I found dishearten­ing.

I don’t think age is an issue — you’re as old as you feel — and I’ve been told I look younger than I am. But when you admit to being 60 in an online profile, the men just dry up, which is why I jumped at the chance of a date with someone near my own age.

So after choosing an outfit — bright colours and trousers — off I went with the blessing of my wonderful daughters, who would be delighted if I met someone new.

I was a little tentative when I arrived but told myself not to be silly and just go with the flow. humphrey was already at the table. he stood to greet me and asked where I preferred to sit, which I thought was very gentlemanl­y.

he was very nicely turned out and had clearly made an effort. It was such a relief!

fairly early on he suggested that we didn’t talk about the past, and instead focus on the present and future, which lightened the whole conversati­on.

After that, we relaxed and found we had a lot in common — like a love of adventure holidays. I thought humphrey charming and we laughed a lot, even over things like the wine as we were both tickled by the silly descriptio­ns. It was a lovely date.

I felt he had the same attitude as me about living life to the full, and wanted to get out there and do lots of exciting things.

My two friends had driven me to the date and had gone to have lunch somewhere else.

humphrey was very amused when I told him this. I joked that if I wasn’t up to scratch, I had a couple more women waiting for him, which made him laugh. he walked me back to my friends after the date, which was brave.

Yes, I did fancy him and felt there was chemistry. But I was quite deflated when he said to me that although it was the best lunch he’d had in a long, long time he was worried we lived too far apart to take it further.

I believe that if you like someone, you’ll make the effort.

The distance wouldn’t be such a big thing for me. I’ve been on my own for so long, I’m not looking for someone to move in the minute I meet them.

I don’t know what will happen but I would definitely go on another date with humphrey if I could. LIKED: his sense of humour. REGRETS: None at all. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. VERDICT: 9/10


DIANA was older than the women I’ve dated previously.

My children are just 15 and 12 so I’ve always thought women my age might not want to take on teenagers. As a result, I’ve tended to go for those in their mid-40s, although that hasn’t always worked out.

So it was great to discover that Diana didn’t seem fazed at all by the age of my children.

having arrived 15 minutes early, I was already at the restaurant when she walked in and I was immediatel­y impressed. She has a smile to die for and is very attractive. I liked how she was dressed — classy and stylish.

I didn’t feel nervous as I’m used to meeting strangers and found Diana easy to chat to.

We talked a little about why we had ended up on a blind date but quickly agreed we should focus on the present rather than our pasts and we just hit if off.

I suspect the restaurant staff heard nothing but chuckles. Diana was doubled over with laughter at one point. We talked about our travels and the daft things people say on first dates.

There were no awkward moments, and I could have stayed for hours. I laughed when she said she had two friends waiting nearby, and later walked her back to them. It was priceless.

As well as being in such great company, it was the best meal I’ve had in years.

Dating can be a minefield, especially blind dates. But the fact that we both took a lightheart­ed approach made it very relaxed.

It was certainly preferable to using dating websites. I hate them and I’m sure most women can’t stand them either. They just seem so full of broken people.

I believe in being honest so at the end of the date I told Diana that even though I’d really enjoyed meeting her, living an hour and a half apart seemed a bit far to take things any further.

But afterwards, I regretted saying that. The chemistry was good and she’s a very relaxed conversati­onalist. It’s funny how you dissect the date afterwards.

I texted her the next day and apologised for making fun of Aquarians — only to find one of her daughters is one!

But what I meant to say was that it would be great to meet up. I’d be prepared to drive to hers to save her from having to drive. LIKED: Diana’s smile and her sense of humour. REGRETS: only that we live so far apart. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. VERDICT: 8/10

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