Scottish Daily Mail

Are women EVER TOO OLD sizzling for SEX?


AReCeNT survey challenged the myths about sex in later life with an audacious claim — that not only does sex get better, but some women are more sexually satisfied at 80 than they were in their 50s. But are we really to believe it?

Here, two writers give their contrastin­g views on whether you’re ever too old to enjoy yourself in the bedroom ...

NO Saysauthor­MariedeHen­nezel,70

eYeS closed and nestled tenderly against each other, the couple on the train appeared to be in a world of their own.

From the slow, sensual way he stroked her hand to her contented smile, it was obvious they were not only very much in love but also enjoyed a healthy physical relationsh­ip, too.

Yet this was not a pair of young lovebirds in their 20s but, I discovered, a couple in their 80s.

Does the thought of their obvious passion for each other make you feel uncomforta­ble? If it does, you wouldn’t be alone because there are many who find the idea of older people being intimate together distastefu­l.

It would be easy to attribute this reaction to living in a world of ‘perfect’ airbrushed models and films that rarely depict sex unless it involves a nubile and beautiful young couple.

While cultural obsession with youth is a factor, it is more ingrained than that.

The truth is, no generation likes to imagine their parents making love. It is built into us not to consider older people — those over 60 — as sexual beings. But I believe these attitudes need rethinking.

I am 70 and one of the generation who benefited from the sexual revolution of the Sixties, the decade that in Britain saw the advent of the Pill and abortion rights.

Now I am arguing for a new sexual revolution: one that respects and acknowledg­es the sexual needs of older people. Because what I found while researchin­g my book Sex After Sixty was that there is no age limit to love, sex and desire — even if we hide it after a certain age.

There are many reasons why intimacy in your 60s, 70s and 80s is something to be celebrated.

It can play a key role in good physical and psychologi­cal health — sexual arousal causes the heart rate to climb in a similar way to gentle exercise, while close physical contact can lower blood pressure and enable people to cope better with stress. There is even a link between regular sex and a more robust immune system.

Of course, there are those who genuinely do lose interest in physical intimacy as they age.

But others would like to maintain a close physical relationsh­ip with their partner but feel they shouldn’t because it’s ‘not appropriat­e’ for someone their age.

Or they have no idea how to, as bodies age and parts don’t function as they once did.

Yet there are good reasons for believing that your 60s and beyond can be your most satisfying years sexually.

One woman I spoke to, Macha, is in her early 70s but has the glow and energy of someone decades younger.

She told me she believes you can only experience real sexual pleasure once you have turned 60 because this is when you no longer have anything to prove and are finally free to be yourself. Other couples find that with retirement and an empty nest comes the chance to relive their youth and enjoy a level of sensuality they might not have experience­d when younger.

Research suggests that as women age they can enjoy more intense and satisfying orgasms. At the heart of this, I believe, is the way we define ‘making love’.

Studies into sex and older people often seem to produce conflictin­g results.

One survey of 800 women over 40 found that the oldest age group had the highest percentage of ‘sexual satisfacti­on’. Yet another found sexual satisfacti­on

decreases dramatical­ly in women as they age.

But in the first study, ‘sexual activity’ referred to a range of intimate pleasures, while the second was concerned more narrowly with ‘coital activity’.

It is key that we reframe our understand­ing of a ‘good sex life’ after 60 so it is less about athletic performanc­e and more to do with the mind. It is gentler and more sensual.

The older couples who told me they had the most satisfying sex lives were those who were prepared to be physically close, but set aside expectatio­ns.

At 70, physical intimacy is something I am certainly not yet ready to give up. Although I have been divorced for many years, I have a lover who is seven years younger than me.

Our physical connection helps me maintain a youthful outlook. Inside I still feel 30 and I am ready for adventures as much as I was then.

That sex can help you feel young is surely a good enough reason not to give it up if you don’t want to.

SEX After Sixty: A French Guide To Loving Intimacy, by Marie de Hennezel, is published by Scribe at £12.99

YES saysagonya­untVirgini­aIronside,72

‘DARlINg,’ says a wife to her husband as they reel home after her 65th birthday party. ‘When we get back, let’s rush upstairs and make wild, passionate love!’

‘Sorry, darling,’ groans the husband. ‘It’s one or the other, but I can’t do both.’

So goes the old joke. And let’s be honest: by the time we get to 70, most of us don’t mind that we can’t do either. But can we rest on our laurels, our stair-rushing, passionate lovemaking days safely behind us?

No, it seems the Sex Nazis are after us again, this time with a survey by the Internatio­nal longevity Centre UK, which found that those over 80 tended to be more sexually satisfied than when they were in their 50s, 60s or 70s.

This was partly as relationsh­ips strengthen with age, which seems a reasonable conclusion. The sex may occur less often but it is comforting, familiar.

What left me adjusting my reading glasses was the claim that women, in particular, find it easier to become aroused in their 80s than in their 60s. Know any frisky female octogenari­ans swinging from the chandelier­s? Me neither.

Most of us have enough trouble trying to remember why we came into the room, trying to get in and out of the bath and looking after the grandchild­ren, without having to worry about our sex lives. Anyway, most older couples I know shut up shop sex-wise years ago. And happily so — not that this report would have you believe it.

As young women in the Seventies, our new sexual freedom opened a Pandora’s box. Far from being liberating, the preoccupat­ion with orgasms created terrible anxiety for those who had them rarely or not at all. We searched in vain for the g-spot and wondered if we would ever achieve the fabled simultaneo­us orgasms. The quest for a good sex life became a tyranny. And now we are facing that pressure again. Of course, some lucky people do continue to have great sex lives when they are older.

But most don’t, and it’s usually for one of two reasons.

After the menopause, a woman may well suffer from physical conditions which can’t be cured with hormonal creams or HRT.

likewise, a man may suffer from erectile dysfunctio­n. Sometimes this can be corrected with Viagra. Not always.

It is also because as you get older, you realise love is not just about sex.

Holding hands on a country walk, and sharing the joy of seeing grandchild­ren grow up can also bring togetherne­ss.

Many of today’s elderly were once sexual trailblaze­rs. So please don’t make us feel inadequate now we have finally called it a day.

NO, THANKS! I’m Quite Happy Standing, by Virginia Ironside, is published by Quercus at £8.99

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