Scottish Daily Mail



EVERY week, Money Mail receives hundreds of your letters and emails about our stories. Here are some of the best from our report on which insurance policies you should avoid like the plague:

THE default position is always that the claim is not covered. Then comes the long uphill battle to challenge and reverse the decision, argue the reimbursem­ent and finally get the cheque. Then your premium shoots up because you’ve made a claim. Absolute rip-off.

F. L., Brighton, E. Sussex.

WE SHOULD all write to our MPs. The more people who do this, the more likely the Government will legislate against insurance industry bad practice. We can’t just sit back and do nothing.

A. R., London.

I AGREE with almost everything in the article except boiler insurance — you can now get good deals. I’ve had to call on mine a couple of times and I’ve saved myself a lot of money.

S. E., Nottingham.

I WORK in insurance and can tell you that a large percentage of cheap travel insurance policies will cover your luggage if you lose it on the way out but not on the way back. Always read the small print.

A. N., London.

LAST year, my house got zapped by a voltage surge caused by a lightning strike. It wiped out a high-end home cinema and music system. The insurance company was brilliant — I was up and running within a month and every item was replaced. On my current premium, which didn’t alter afterwards, it would take the firm 55 years to get its money back.

T. C., Ipswich.

MY FRIEND’S son works for an insurance company. He is on £100,000 a year plus bonuses, and his sole job is to find ways of not paying out on claims. So the chances of you getting a hassle-free pay out are remote.

C. B., Canterbury.

÷ WRITE to Tony Hazell at Ask Tony, Money Mail, 20 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6DB or email — please include your daytime phone number, postal address and a separate note addressed to the offending organisati­on giving them permission to talk to Tony Hazell. We regret we cannot reply to individual letters. Please do not send original documents as we cannot take responsibi­lity for them. No legal responsibi­lity can be accepted by the Daily Mail for answers given.

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