Scottish Daily Mail

Here we go again in unwanted poll


over the line when its inevitable referendum finally arrives.

This is clearly a desperate last-ditch attempt by Miss Sturgeon to use Brexit to move public opinion to support ‘the dream’.

So how should Mrs May proceed? A refusal will stoke the grievance agenda and strengthen the SNP hand, but acceptance will be betraying the two million Scots who voted No in 2014.

But there is a third way. Mrs May should tell Miss Sturgeon that she must provide irrefutabl­e independen­t evidence that a majority of Scots want another referendum now and also support any of Miss Sturgeon’s proposals for staying in the EU without the rest of the UK.

Only then should the request be considered by the UK Government.

A. Wyllie, largs, Ayrshire.

Out on a limb

AS Nicola Sturgeon gets closer to her dream of forcing another referendum, perhaps she should consider this situation.

I voted for independen­ce in 2014 but voted to leave the EU last June. I now place more importance in the latter than the former.

I can only see a bleak future if Scotland leaves the UK and tries to broker a deal with a damaged EU. Can we even guarantee that the EU will exist after the European elections this year?

Worst-case scenario – we leave the UK and find ourselves out on a limb. StAn Gaston, Rothesay,

isle of Bute.

Nats’ big gamble

TRUST the SNP? It cannot be trusted to keep its word – no further referendum in a generation, what a joke.

Run Scotland? The party doesn’t know what it needs to do to keep a good NHS, good education system, good housing, or give support for companies – it is hopeless.

Now Nationalis­ts want to risk taking Scotland down a path of not being part of the UK and not being in the EU. Cast adrift without a paddle.

The UK Government must not allow such a referendum. Peter Ramsay, Helensburg­h,


Call an election

SO, Nicola Sturgeon has decided to ‘call’ another referendum. Neither the SNP nor the Scottish parliament have the legal authority to do so.

The 2014 referendum was agreed and held because the SNP held a mandate with its overall majority in Holyrood. The party lost its mandate after the 2015 election when it lost that majority.

The 2012 Edinburgh Agreement that sanctioned the 2014 referendum declared it would be ‘a decisive expression of the views of the people of Scotland and a result that everyone will respect’.

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmi­ngly to remain a part of Britain. Theresa May should throw the onus back on Miss Sturgeon and declare that if she really believes that there is support for such a referendum, then she should call an election.

If the SNP wins a majority at Holyrood, then there may be grounds for another referendum. If, however, the SNP fails, then Miss Sturgeon should resign.

Let us see just how confident of success she is. Craig Haggart, milton of

Campsie, Dunbartons­hire.

Change the system

Democracy in Scotland has gone with a minority SNP Government doing a secret deal with list MSPs so that they can ignore the wishes of the majority of people who voted No last time.

The electoral system needs to change so that this will never happen again.

The people of Scotland are going to be subjected to nearly two years of lies and deceit and in the meantime, rural areas are being further neglected because of the SNP’s passion for centralisa­tion

Jim Sutherland, Castletown, Caithness.

The end for Sturgeon

NOW Nicola Sturgeon has indicated her intention to call for another referendum.

It is obvious that she wanted to divert attention away from the SNP’s woeful performanc­e in running our country.

Miss Sturgeon and her cohorts are just opportunis­ts and obviously do not listen to the majority of people in Scotland, only their own supporters.

So I call on the silent majority who support the Union; let us get our heads above the parapet and start letting the SNP know that they are in for a humiliatin­g defeat, which will hopefully see the end of Sturgeon and her totally incompeten­t government.

The economic case just doesn’t stack up, but the SNP will attempt to drag us out of the Union, no matter the cost. I dread to think of the division that this is going to cause our country. Bryan m. Gossman, Seamill, Ayrshire.

 ??  ?? Familiar look: Salmond and Sturgeon with their White Paper in 2013
Familiar look: Salmond and Sturgeon with their White Paper in 2013

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